Interactive category

Below is a list of all contributions to the Interactive category
(in alphabetical order of the first author’s name)

Click on:

  • image to view a higher-resolution image
  • movie button to view the video
    (change resolution by clicking on appropriate button on lower menu of movie frame).
  • more button to read a description of the entry

See also:

TradeMap - an interactive display of international trade of selected primary products

Beaud Sylvain, Djeffal Julie & Lottaz TimothéeTry me !


Interactive virtual reality visualization of atomic structure data

De SandipTry me !


DataMoviz - Deep into the movie scene

De Longraye Quentin, Le Victor & Gannouni AymenTry me !


What is the impact of the United Nations on armed conflicts?

Duvigneau Louis, Grisard Malo & Steinmann RaphaëlTry me !


Turnkey solution for the computation of phonons in solids

Mounet Nicolas & Pizzi Giovanni


The ATLAS Access Manager Policy Browser

Perrin SamiTry me !


Schroedinger-Poisson solver for 2D materials - interactive simulations with jupyter and binder

Pizzi GiovanniTry me !


SeeK-path - an interactive tool to find and visualize high-symmetry k-points for crystal structures

Pizzi GiovanniTry me !


Evolution of nuclear experiments on our planet

Steinmann Raphaël, Sidorenko Semion & Milliet AlainTry me !