Diego Ghezzi
Neuro-optoelectronic interfaces, visual prosthesis, optical stimulation, nanofabrication, polymers, neuroprosthetics, biocompatibility.

Auke Ijspeert
Articulated and biologically inspired robotics, modular robotics, humanoid robotics, control of locomotion and of coordinated movements in robots, computational neuroscience, neural networks, sensorimotor coordination in animals.

Stéphanie Lacour
Soft neural implants, bioelectronics, thin films.

Silvestro Micera
Neuroprosthetics, bionics.

Pavan Ramdya
Systems neuroscience, evolutionary and synthetic neurobiology, engineering animal behavior.

Dimitri Van De Ville
Computational neuroimaging, network analysis, dynamical systems, graph signal processing, wavelets, mathematical imaging, sparsity, machine learning, (f)MRI, EEG, PET, Calcium imaging.