EPFL Research Facilities
40 EPFL shared research facilities with the goal to expedite connection to interested researchers.

Discover EPFL Research Facilities
EPFL offers a wide range of research facilities across its several campuses.
They provide access to cutting-edge technical infrastructure and know-how expertise to EPFL scientists and students to perform their research, making optimal use of resources.
They are also a place where knowledge and knowhow is shared and where EPFL contributes to advance the state of the art in the techniques covered by the facilities
Learn more about these facilities, accessible to EPFL members and external users in our new brochure!
Access the websites of the different facilities
- Molecular and Hybrid Materials Characterization Center
- X-Ray Diffraction and Surface Analytics Platform (ISIC-XRDSAP)
- Crystal Growth and Characterization Plateform
- Central Environmental Laboratory
- Mass Spectrometry and Elemental Analysis Platform (ISIC-MSEAP)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Platform (ISIC-NMRP)
Life Sciences
- Biomolecular Screening Core Facility
- Bioelectron Microscopy Core Facility
- Bioengineering & Technology Facility
- Gene Expression Core Facility
- Proteomics Core Facility
- Bertarelli Foundation Gene Therapy Core Facility
- Flow Cytometry Core Facility
- Histology Core Facility
- Center of PhenoGenomics
- Protein Productoin and Structure Core Facility
- Hydraulic Machines Platform
- Student Kreativity and lnnovation Laboratory
- ENAC – Technical Platform
- Plateforme Ateliers Techniques
- Atelier de Fabrication Additive (Impression 3D)
- Atelier de fabrication de Circuits Imprimés
- Atelier de l’institut de génie mécanique
- Atelier de l’Institut de production et robotique
- Atelier de l’Institut des Matériaux
- Electronic and Mechanical Engineering Workshops Platform
- Mechanical Workshop IPHYS
Bio – Micro – Nano
- Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMI)
- Micromanufacturing Science & Engineering Center (M2C)
- Clean Rooms Facilities of IPHYS
- BioImaging and Optics Core Platform
- Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM)
- Dubochet Center for Imaging
- ENAC Interdisciplinary Platform for X-ray micro-tomography (PIXE)
- Interdisciplinary Center for Electron Microscopy (CIME)
- BioInformatics Competence Center
- IC Cluster computing resources and services
- Scientific IT and Application Support (SCITAS)
- Research Computing Platform (RCP)
Campus Biotech
Equipment and Centers Management Office
Av. Auguste-Piccard 7
Station 7
CH – 1015 Lausanne
Contact: [email protected]