How can we help? If you have any questions regarding electron microscopy of biological samples don’t hesitate to contact any of us via email, or visit our labs in the School of Life Sciences.

Graham Knott
Graham Knott heads the BioEM facility as well as maintaining a research laboratory in the field of neuronal plasticity. Graham has over 25 years experience using electron microscopy to study the brain and has published papers using a wide variety of techniques.

Stephanie Rosset
Stephanie Clerc-Rosset is the senior BioEM technician with experience of many different preparation and imaging methods in the field of electron microscopy.

Marie Croisier
Marie Croisier is a technician specialising in the area of correlative light and electron microscopy. Marie has many years experience of serial section electron microscopy as well as preparing and imaging samples in both scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

Anaëlle Dubois
Anaelle Dubois is a technical specialist in the BioEM facility and is an expert of scanning electron microscopy techniques including the block face scanning EM. Anaëlle also has keen interest various analytical methods in the image analysis.

David Demurtas
Davide Demurtas is a staff scientist in the Interdisciplinary Centre of Electron Microscopy specializing in cryo-electron microscopy and single particle analysis. Davide is also responsible for training new users in transmission electron microscopy.

Jerome Blanc
Jerome Blanc is a BioEM technician who specialises in imaging using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Jerome is also well versed in various methods of image analysis and have considerable experience in using various analysis and modelling softwares.