Equality and Diversity

© Niels Ackermann / Lundi13 (2021)
EPFL’s equal opportunity policy is based on federal legislation, ETH Domain specific legislation, as well as on EPFL’s Development Plan and the agreement on objectives between EPFL and the ETH Board.
On this basis, together with its steering committee and in cooperation with faculties and services, the Equal Opportunity Office draws up action plans to foster equal opportunities.

Task Force Harassment, Respect @ EPFL, Inclusive Language, Safe Space & LGBTIQ+, Inclusive Name Change, Women in Science, etc.

Family and work-life
Child Care solutions, Financial Help, Parents Network and Legal Advice During Pregnancy

Equality and careers
Courses, coaching, mentoring, events, for women. Dual Career Support, Implicit Bias Awareness Seminars,…
See also the press review