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ETH Board appoints EPFL’s new leadership team - 2024 EPFL / Nicolas Righetti – Lundi13 - CC-BY-SA 4.0

ETH Board appoints EPFL's new leadership team

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  • EPFL
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The ETH Board, which is the strategic management and supervisory body for the ETH Domain, today announced the unanimous appointment of EPFL’s next vice presidents, who will take up their positions on 1 January 2025 alongside EPFL’s president-designate Anna Fontcuberta i Morral.


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EPFL Memento

Vue aérienne de l'EPFL © Jamani Caillet / EPFL, 2022

Vue aérienne de l’EPFL © Jamani Caillet / EPFL, 2022

Located in Switzerland, EPFL is one of Europe’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan science and technology institutions.