CMi is an infrastructure of cleanrooms and equipment of micro-technology dedicated to education, training and scientific experimentation intended for the users of microtechnology. The personnel of the CMi provides the support to the users.
The CMi platform is composed of several cleanrooms commonly referred to as BM+1, BM 0 & BM-1. The two main cleanrooms (BM+1 and BM -1) are connected by an elevator.
The cleanrooms are subdivided in technical spaces and working areas of increasing cleanliness class. Note: the BM -1 occupies three levels from which only one is accessible to the users.

The operation of such cleanrooms resorts to a heavy infrastructure making it possible to ensure the optimal conditions for the air (filtration, temperature, moisture, pressure), water, the supply and the treatment of the rejections of chemicals (solid, liquid, gas), the safety of the users.
Authorized people
Access only given to people who have followed the introduction course about “Safety and Behavior in the cleanroom”. Please see “Become a CMi member” page.
Note : To any CMi user who wants to give a tour of cleanrooms to someone, please make a visit authorization request through CMi user interface.
Cleanrooms access control
Control and the maintenance of a cleanroom require the permanent support of a specialized team, but request also a direction of the responsibilities and a rigorous discipline on the part of the users. A controlled access in cleanrooms is obtained in the following way:
- Entry in cleanrooms by the “normal” entrances: The access to the clean room is controlled with the EPFL CAMIPRO smart card. Every people have to use their personal CAMIPRO card (one person at a time). This way of doing is mandatory and allows keeping track of people in cleanrooms for safety reasons.
- Exit of cleanrooms: by means of CAMIPRO card. Check-out mandatory for safety reasons.
- Entry and decontamination of material trough the “BM -1 Material entrance room “. Check-out mandatory for safety reasons
- Respect working hours.
Equipment access control & Bookings
Only people who have followed a training done by staff member can:
- Use the equipment : In the cleanrooms, access to the scientific equipment is done with the software CAE – Control Access Equipment with personal CMi user ID and password.
- Book the equipment : Via the CMi user Interface.
The billing can be determined either by the real time of process or by time of logging on access control PC.

Entering the cleanrooms
All the cleanrooms composing CMi plaform are in Microtechnology Building (BM, Batiment de Microtechnique) on EPFL campus. Depending on the part of the platform the user wants to access, the entrances are:
- Entrance BM+1 (Class ISO 6 & 7)
- Entrances BM 0:
- Zone 08 (Class ISO 6)
- Zone 09
- Zone 10
- Zone 18 / Zone 19 (Class ISO 7)
- Entrance BM-1 (Class ISO 5)
In case of the entrance is equipped with an air lock: The outer door is controlled by the CAMIPRO card. Once inside the air lock the person waits until the outer door has closed completely before opening the inner door.
In the entrance areas, there are most of the time lockers available to temporarily deposit personal belongings. The locker boxes with labels on them are reserved; those without labels are available to everybody.
A bench separates the dirty floor space from the clean floor space. The sequence to dress is:
- Sit down on the bench.
- Put on plastic overshoes normally available close to the bench.
- Get a cleanroom suit to your size. When dressing, make sure that sleeves do not touch the floor. Note: Some of suits may be attributed to the CMi staff. Please check if there is no name indicated.
- Put on boots / cleanroom shoes.
- Put on a cleanroom mask and a hair net.
- Put on safety googles (if no medical glasses).
- Put on gloves.
- Check if you are well dressed up before entering in the cleanroom.
Following points have to be strictly followed in terms of gowning and clothes behaviour:
- Overalls, boots and glasses must be placed back by CMi Users at the very same place where they were picked up.
- CMi Users must exit by the very same door as the one selected for entering the cleanroom.
- Class ISO 6 & 7 clothes (CMi BM+1 & CMi BM 0) are prohibited in Class ISO 5 cleanroom (CMi BM-1). See gowning regulation for more details.
Note : The CAMIPRO card is needed to open doors in cleanrooms. The cloths worn have no pockets, therefore it is best to clip the card to the clean room suit with the plastic holder which comes with the card.
Working hours
Technical support is ensured by CMi staff from Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The CMi is opened from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m (Work prohibited after 7 p.m.). Note : To work between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., contact responsibles of tools to request extended access on equipment needed.
Open 24h/7days on request:
- CMi BM +1.
- Zone 07 (Ebeam lithography),
- Zone 08 (FIB),
- Zone 09 (Dicing),
- Zone 10 (Parylene, Special evap.),
- Zone 18 / Zone 19 (Excepting KOH)
A particular security system must be used. Contact [email protected] for more details and request 24h/7days access on equipment needed by contacting responsibles of tools.