Become a CMi member

An orientation procedure is requiered before any user get access to the CMi cleanroom. All the steps described here must be done.


  1. Contact CMi
  2. Prepare your process flow
  3. Request a meeting with the Technical Committee
  4. Trainings on equipment

I. Contact CMi

You must first send an e-mail to [email protected] and give a brief description of the work you want to do in the cleanroom.
You will then receive an invitation to the Introduction course about Safety and Behaviour in cleanroom (next dates).
It is mandatory to follow this course even if you are already used to work in a cleanroom environment. The topics are :

  • Description of the cleanroom
  • Organisation of CMi
  • Procedures to access the cleanroom
  • Safety Rules
  • Alarms & Evacuations
  • Clothing
  • Behaviour in the cleanroom
  • Definition of the technology
  • Reservations and information: the web site of CMi
  • Billing system
  • Knowledge of the chemicals products

This course is followed by a visit of the cleanroom and facilities. It takes place once a month and takes around 2h30. You can download  a copy of this presentation.

II. Prepare your process flow

An integrated microfabrication project always starts with the personal research of methods and processes usually used in cleanroom. The succession of the technological step constitutes a technological process which must be examined in details in order to check its compatibility with respect to :

  • available equipments in CMi
  • constraints relating to risk of contamination
  • material and human resources available

In order to evaluate your project, you must prepare a process flow and a runcard . Download these documents, complete them as accuratly as possible according to your work. On CMi web site, you will find a lot of information about available process you can do and equipment we have in the cleanroom. If you need help to prepare these documents, don’t hesitate to contact section heads.

    • Header : you give us the name of your lab or company, who will make the fabrication, the person who is responsible of your work, and your coordinates. You may also tell us if it is a Semestral project, Master project, PhD thesis or other like Post-Doctoral research of company project.
    • Description : you describe the goal of your project
    • Technologies used : you remove from the list all the technologies you will NOT use. Fill also the list of masks you need. Critical Dimension is the smallest feature you have on the mask and Critical Alignment is the accuracy you need for alignment. On our web site, in section “Process/Materials”, you will find the kind of substrate you can buy to CMi.
    • Process outline : you describe each step accompanied of a cross section view of result expected.
  • Process Flow : it is a document that presents the goal of your work, the technologies you need and a precise description – step by step – of the fabrication of your devices. In the document there are different sections :

This document can be modified during the technical committee, and must be fixed at the begining of your work in the cleanroom.

  • Runcard : According to the process retained, a roadmap is drawn up by mentioning the equipment used, the principal parameters of the machines, measurements done and the possible distribution of the responsibilies respective to the users and the CMi. Note: This document is not mandatory to validate your acess to the cleanroom.

This document can be updated along you work in the cleanroom.

III. Request a meeting with the Technical Committee (if needed)

To request a meeting with the Technical Committee, send your proposition of process flow to [email protected].
During this meeting, you will present the goal of your work, the process you want to do in details and the results you expect.
CMi staff must know exactly the process of each user because :

  • CMi staff is responsible facilities and safety of people who work in cleanroom
  • CMi staff can give best advice thanks to its high level of expertise
  • CMi staff controls the costs

Every project must be submitted to technical committee even if it is not your first project.
The technical committee can take place several times per week.
At the end of this meeting, the training programm on the equipment will rise from the decisions taken.

The technological committee of the CMi can ask the user some information about the results and the improvements made by the project in the purely technological field in order to :

    • give advice to researcher / student or reorientate the project towards the fixed goal
    • build and keep “up to date” a knowledge database on processing
    • permanently improve the technical offer in CMi

IV. Trainings on equipment

To use the cleanroom equipment, it is mandatory to get trained on it. Trainings are made only on equipment needed according to the final process flow. Trainings are given by CMi staff and on user’s wafers in process (no dummies). Once training has been done, users can reserve it via CMi web site (section “Reservation”) and use it.

With a validated process flow: to get a training on an equipment, please use our training request system (section “Reservation” → “Training request”) . In case of the equipment is not in the list, please contact people responsible of the equipment.