At our facility we use X-ray scattering methods and surface-sensitive investigations with the aim of obtaining a comprehensive solid state characterization from the structural to the atomic level on crystals, bulk samples, devices, films and surfaces, at ambient and non-ambient conditions. We provide service and scientific support to ISIC and EPFL research groups, external academics as well as service to external clients from industry (if desired under NDA) . Synchrotron experiments are also supported by the facility.
Users can access the facility through instrument training and open access (contact us for training) or through sample submission in service mode as well as collaboration. Machine training is organized upon user request, previous courses are not required.
Beyond machine training, students can enroll in two PhD courses given by the platform within the EDCH program of the Doctoral School of EPFL. You will find more information in the respective section on education.
Please refer to the respective section to see a list of the different types of analysis our service can provide. Just get in touch if you can’t find what you need.