Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


The NMR service offers a wide range of NMR equipment and support to ISIC and EPFL research groups as well as external customers.

The service is organized as an open platform. The users reserve instruments online or put their samples directly into the automatic sample changers. Assistance for users with no or little experience as well as for special experiments in Solid and Liquid State NMR is provided on demand (please contact Aurélien Bornet or Laura Piveteau).
EPFL labs or external companies interested in service analysis are welcome contacting Aurélien Bornet for more information and cost evaluation.
The NMR service collaborates with Luc Patiny for support to data analysis (see as well and with the protein crystallography core facility for Bio-NMR data collection (contact: Luciano Abriata)

The NMR service maintains and repairs the full park of NMR instruments. In case of hardware or software problems please contact Anto Barisic. The service also takes care of all cryo-fluids refilling. This charge is assumed by Vladan Jankovic.

The NMR service organizes users formation: Two courses are proposed within the doctoral school of chemistry (Basic and advanced NMR) with a 2 weeks block format in spring in Lausanne and during the autumn semester in Sion. Trainings and special lectures can be organized on demand (please contact Aurélien Bornet).