Chemical Engineering


Laboratory of Advanced Separations (LAS)
Prof. Kumar Varoon AGRAWAL
Material chemistry and engineering at the nanometer length-scale for energy-efficient separations.  Nanoporous two-dimensional materials and membranes. Membranes based on single-layer graphene, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), carbon nitride and zeolitic nanosheets.

Laboratory of Nanochemistry for Energy (LNCE)
Prof. Raffaella BUONSANTI
Nanochemistry, Solar-to-fuel conversion, Multi-cations Metal Oxides and their Heterostructures, Electrocatalytically active nanocrystals, Nanocrystal Assembly into Multifunctional Hybrids

Laboratory for Photonics and Interfaces (LPI)
Prof. Michael GRAETZEL
Semiconductor nanocrystallites and mesoscopic oxide films. Dye sensitized solar cells(DSC) lithium insertion batteries and electrochromic displays. Development of new ionic liquids, which are used as “green” electrolytes in solar cells and other electrochemical devices.

Laboratory of Computational Systems Biotechnology (LCSB)
Modeling and Analysis of Large Biopolymerization Networks. Metabolic Control Analysis under Uncertainty. Discovery of Novel Biotransformations.

Polymers Laboratory (LP)
Prof. Harm-Anton KLOK
Polymer and (bio)organic chemistry. Peptide/protein-polymer hybrids: polymer therapeutics, smart hydrogels; (ii) Surface-initiated polymerization and polymer brushes: biomaterials coatings, environmental sensors; (iii) Controlled/”living” polymerization and macromolecular engineering: controlled delivery and release systems.

Laboratory of Sustainable and Catalytic Processing (LPDC)
Biomass conversion, Heterogeneous catalysis, Biocatalysis, Green solvents Multiphasic and high-pressure systems

Laboratory of Stem Cell Bioengineering (LSCB)
Prof. Matthias LUTOLF
Our work is at the interface of stem cell biology, soft matter engineering and micro-engineering to elucidate how stem cells take decisions and how their decision-making process is influenced by signals from the microenvironment.

Laboratory for Functional Inorganic Materials (LFIM)
Prof. Wendy QUEEN
Design and production of hybrid organic/inorganic materials, storage of small molecular entities and catalysis

Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomaterials (LIMNO)
Prof. Kevin SIVULA
Solar energy conversion. Organic, nanoparticulate inorganic, and hybrid semiconductors.

Laboratory of Molecular Simulation (LSMO)
Prof. Berend SMIT
Technologies for the separation, binding and storage of carbon dioxide from gas mixture.

Laboratory of Materials for Renewable Energy (LMER)
Prof. Andreas ZÜTTEL
Ways of storing hydrogen efficiently, and they therefore investigate the interaction between hydrogen and a wide range of materials, such as the surface of metals and insulators, as well as nanostructures and intermetallic compounds.

Group of Chemical and Physical Safety (GSCP)
Dr MER Thierry MEYER
Supercritical fluids; risk assessment; reaction calorimetry