Organic Chemistry


Laboratory of Asymmetric Catalysis and Synthesis (LCSA)
Prof. Nicolai CRAMER
Asymetric catalysis, synthesis, synthetic organic chemistry and catalysis.

Laboratory of Therapeutic Proteins and Peptides (LPPT)
Prof. Christain HEINIS
Generation of new molecule designs for the use in therapy. Testing the therapeutic potential of the newly developed chemical structures.

Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis (LSCI)
Prof. Xile HU

Organometallic chemistry, synthetic methodology, asymmetric catalysis, organic synthesis; Energy, electro-catalysis, hydrogen evolution, inorganic materials; Bio-mimetic and bio-speculated coordination chemistry.

Polymers Laboratory (LP),
Prof. Harm-Anton KLOK
Polymer and (bio)organic chemistry. Peptide/protein-polymer hybrids: polymer therapeutics, smart hydrogels; (ii) Surface-initiated polymerization and polymer brushes: biomaterials coatings, environmental sensors; (iii) Controlled/”living” polymerization and macromolecular engineering: controlled delivery and release systems.

Laboratory of Catalysis and Organic Synthesis (LCSO)
Prof. Jérôme WASER
Synthesis of metal complexes, ligands, and organocatalysts. New catalytic reactions for C-C bond formation. Investigation of reactions mechanism. Synthesis of complex bioactive compounds.

Laboratory of Synthesis and Natural Products (LSPN)
Prof. Jieping ZHU
Total synthesis of natural products, Multicomonent reaction, Metal-catalyzed Domino process, Catalytic enantioselective transformation.

Group for Functionalized Biomaterials (GBF)
Prof. Sandrine GERBER
Organic synthesis, Targeting ligands for cancer cell biomarkers, Chemical functionalization of bioceramics, Coating and post-functionalization of metal oxide imaging nanoparticles, Polymer modification and characterization, Hydrogel microspheres for cell immobilization.