Research Units

GAZNAT chair for advance separations (LAS), Prof. Kumar Varoon AGRAWAL

Crystallization of 2-dimensional nanoporous materials and membranes.
Molecular transport through 2-dimensional films.

Laboratory of Nanochemistry for Energy (LNCE), Prof. Raffaella BUONSANTI

Nanochemistry, Solar-to-fuel conversion, Multi-cations Metal Oxides and their Heterostructures, Electrocatalytically active nanocrystals, Nanocrystal Assembly into Multifunctional Hybrids

Laboratory of Molecular Simulation (LSMO) Prof. Berend SMIT

Technologies for the separation, binding and storage of carbon dioxide from gas mixture.

Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials (GMF). Prof. M. Khaja NAZEERUDDIN

Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells, Organic Light Emitting Diodes, Development of Chemical Sensors.

Laboratory for Functional Inorganic Materials (LFIM) Prof. Wendy QUEEN

Design and production of hybrid organic/inorganic materials, storage of small molecular entities and catalysis

Laboratory of Materials for Renewable Energy (LMER). Prof. Andreas ZÜTTEL

Energy storage materials, Hydrogen, Hydrides, CO2 Reduction, Hydrocarbons, Catalysis