BioImaging and Optics Platform

Fibroblasst with Nuclei, Microtubules, Actin and Mitochondria stainings, acquired on an LSM710 confocal microscope.

Our goal is to provide instruments and more importantly expertise to solve challenging (biological) questions with modern light-microscopy. Therefore the BIOP seeks to create a link between life sciences and engineering to investigate jointly these fundamental fields.

Upcoming Events


NEW Point Scanning Confocal systems

Replacing the LSM 700, you’ll find 2 brand new Olympus-Evident FV4000 (also usable in widefield). High-end X Apo objectives, 4 lasers lines, 2 spectral detectors…More infos, click link below


Our new Image Processing computer (Orcinus Orca) is at your disposal: 512Gb RAM, a 24-core AMD 3.8GHz processor and a 24Gb RTX 3090 Ti graphic processor…

DEVILS workflow applied to 3 channel lighthseet cleared brain

DEVILS is published in F1000R

Our Software Tool Article “DEVILS: a tool for the visualization of large datasets with a high dynamic range” is available on F1000R


Leica SP8 invert microscope


Widefield, Confocal, Spinning Disk, Lightsheet, Superresolution, Lifetime Imaging, Microdissection

Cell Segmentation in ImageJ-Fiji

Image Processing

Workstations, Deconvolution, Deep Learning, Custom Workflows

Microscope Checkup Service

We are thrilled to introduce a new service aimed at ensuring the optimal performance of your light microscopes. To support your research and teaching efforts, we are pleased to announce the launch of our Microscope Checkup Service.

Trainings at the BIOP


in Microscopy and Image Processing

QuPAth Segmentation Results


Undergrad and Post Doc Courses