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Past Events

Practical Course by BIOP : Fiji for Everyday Tasks


With: Olivier Burri , Nicolas Chiaruttini , Romain Guiet 
Place and room: On EPFL campus
Category: Internal trainings

Memento announcement: June 18th 2024 13h30 to 17h30

Practical Course by BIOP : Optimize Your Confocal Imaging


With: José Artacho ,  Olivier Burri , Nicolas Chiaruttini , Thierry Laroche
Place and room: AI 0140
Category: Internal trainings

Imaging Lunch: Macros in ImageJ


With: Dr Daniel Sage, Dr Romain Guiet
Place and room: CE 1 711.2
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Discover OMERO


With: Lucie Bracq, Van der Goot Lab – Georgios Hatzopoulos, Gönczy Lab – Romain Guiet, BIOP
Place and room: AI 1153
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Imaging Thick Specimen, clearing and other clever tricks


With:   José Artacho ,  Nicolas Chiaruttini , Thierry Laroche,  Anjalie Schläppi, Romain Guiet
Place and room: BIOP – AI 0 140
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Practical Course by BIOP : Fiji for Everyday Tasks


With: Olivier Burri , Nicolas Chiaruttini , Romain Guiet 
Place and room: On EPFL campus
Category: Internal trainings

Practical Course by BIOP : Optimize Your Confocal Imaging


With: José Artacho ,  Olivier Burri , Nicolas Chiaruttini , Thierry Laroche
Place and room: AI 0140
Category: Internal trainings

QuPath PCB 07

Practical Course by BIOP: Advanced QuPath concepts, best practices and scripting


With: Olivier Burri, EPFL BioImaging and Optics Platform
Place and room: AAC 0 06
Category: Internal trainings

Practical Course by BIOP: Imaging thick specimens, clearing and other clever tricks


With: José Artacho Olivier Burri Nicolas Chiaruttini Romain Guiet Thiery Laroche Lorenzo Talà  
Category: Internal trainings

Voir Est Savoir – Exhibition 2023


Place and room: SV 1511
Category: Exhibitions

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