Zeiss LSM 980 Inverted microscope. Multi-purpose confocal with 32 Channels AiryScan, tPMT, widefield & brightfield capability. Motorized stage. LIS Brick and Cube for temperature and humidity control.
Persons in charge: Nicolas Chiaruttini & Thierry Laroche
Book on SV-PPMS
Technical Specifications
Imaging: Confocal & Widefield
Stand: Inverted Axio Observer
XY-Stage: Motorized XYZ
Illumination: 100W Hal (transmission), Colibri 5 for (fluorescence)
Software: ZEN Blue ver. 3.4.91
2 photomultiplier tubes (PMT) for fluorescence 4 GaAsP detectors for fluorescence
2 high sensitivity near infrared (NIR) detector for fluorescence
1 Airyscan (32 channel PMT) for fluorescence
1 transmission photomultiplier tube (tPMT) for brightfield
Camera | Axiocam 506 mono |
Chip Technology | CCD Grayscale |
Sensor Format | 2752 x 2208 |
Chip size | 12.5 mm x 10.0 mm |
Pixel size | 4.54 um x 4.54 um |
Dynamic Range | 14-bit |
C-mount | 1.0x |
Objective | Mag/NA | Medium | Contrast | WD (mm) |
EC Plan-Neofluar | 10x/0.30 | air | – | 5.2 |
Plan-Apochromat | 20x/0.80 | air | DIC | 0.55 |
LD LCI Plan Apochromat | 25x/0.80 Corr | Imm | DIC | 0.57 at 0.17 |
LD LCI Plan Apochromat | 40x/1.20 autocorr | Imm | DIC | 0.41 at 0.17 |
Plan-Apochromat | 63x/1.40 | oil | DIC | 0.19 |
Laser Lines
Wavelength | Laser Type |
405 nm | Diode |
445 nm | Diode |
488 nm | Diode |
561nm | DPSS |
639 nm | Diode |
730 nm | Diode |
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