Accounts on our facilities

A valid accreditation at EPFL is required to get an account on our facilities.

See also:
Prices and SLAs
SCITAS User Documentation

Accounts for researchers

Accounts for students

External collaborators

Account request forms

Accounts for researchers


Account creation for a lab or a project : pay-per-use accounts are charged for their real usage of the system. The fees are eligible for FNS and ERC as service costs.

Monthly invoices are sent to the lab. The invoices can be sent to FNS and ERC for reimbursement.

To request a Pay-per-use account, please fill in the appropriate form via our Service request forms.

Priority access for research emergencies

Access for emergencies (end of thesis, conference, paper submission deadline, etc.) can be requested by filling in the appropriate form via our Service request forms.

Accounts for students

Master or Bachelor projects

Bachelor and Master students can request a student account on our facilities by filling in the appropriate form via our Service request forms. The students must indicate their supervisor’s name. SCITAS will contact the supervisor for validation and then create the account.

A total of 4’000 CHF (~300’000 core hours on CPU nodes or ~11’000 gpu hours on graphical nodes) are available to the student. After the 4’000 CHF are consumed, the lab can pay for the additional hours via their pay-per-use account.

Classes and workshops

It is possible to get access to our facilities for classes or workshops.

A request should be submitted by the Teacher or the Teaching Assistant via the appropriate form on our Service request forms page.

More details are available here.

External collaborators

External collaborators can have an account provided they have an accreditation within the lab they are collaborating with (status “Outside EPFL” / “Hors EPFL” with a GASPAR username and password).

Accounts created through the portal cannot be used for access to the clusters.