Our facility has three independent and access-restricted areas:
- The main lab space (access through AI 0247) hosting our analyzers and magnetic separator, and which includes a BSL-2 room (AI 0346), and a meeting and data analysis room (AI 0347). Access to that platform is restricted to our registered users.
- The Cell Sorting Room (AI 0137): a BSL-2 room hosting our cell sorters and whose access is restricted to FCCF staff.
- An additional Cell Sorting Room (AI 9126), located in the basement of the AI building and whose access is restricted to FCCF staff.
Our offices are located in AI 0147, AI 0146 and AI 0145, opposite our main lab space.

Our facility is equipped with:
- 8 analyzers:
- 1x Beckman Coulter Gallios
- 1x Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX
- 1x BD LSR Fortessa
- 1x Cytek Aurora
- 1x Cytek Aurora with ESP module
- 1x Thermo Fisher Attune Cytpix
- 1x Thermo Fisher Attune NxT
- 6 cell sorters:
- 1x BD FACSAria II
- 1x BD FACSAria Fusion
- 1x Beckman Coulter MoFlo Astrios
- 1x Cytek Aurora CS
- 2x Sony SH800S
- 1 magnetic separator:
- Miltenyi AutoMACS Pro Separator
- 1 single-cell dispenser:
- Seed Biosciences DispenCell