Picture done by Barbora Bartova.

(B) 2D longitudinal view (sum of 10-20 slices) of the central cartwheel tomogram, with band-pass filter and Gaussian blur corresponding to the area with a dashed rectangle in (A). Sub-volumes extracted along the longitudinal axis are (80 nm)3 for the central cartwheel (pink squares represent one plane of the sub-volume) and (89 nm) 3 for the peripheral elements comprising microtubule triplet, pinhead and A-C linker (blue squares represent one plane of the sub-volume), with a step size of 25 nm in both cases.

By Emad Oveisi.

Image of the moment competition

Image of the moment – winners
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Image of the moment – rules and information
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Images for the contest 2024
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Images for the contest 2021
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Images for the contest 2022
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Images for the contest 2023
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