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Past Seminars

Prof. Pete Nellist
Low-dose 2D and 4D STEM imaging of beam-sensitive materials

Dr. Marc Willinger
Observing while it happens

Prof. Christoph Koch
Exploring 2D materials at high resolution, high sensitivity, high speed, high efficiency, and low dose

Prof. Knut Müller-Caspary
Beyond structure and composition: Multidimensional TEM as a key for imaging electric fields, 3D shape and soft matter

Prof. Vasiliki Tileli
Liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy for probing electrochemical-induced processes

Dr. Adrien Teurtrie
Physics-guided NMF for the analysis of STEM/EDXS data : from raw data to quantified chemical phases

Dr. Florent Houdellier
Improving electron microscope capabilities through the design of new cold field emission electron source

Dr. David Cooper
Field mapping in semiconductor devices by transmission electron microscopy

Dr. Lukas Palatinus
Crystal structure determination by 3D electron diffraction

Dr. Mathieu Kociak
Enlightening electrons: detecting and injecting light in a TEM

Prof. Philip Moll
FIB structures of quantum materials: an outlook

Prof. David Muller
Imaging the Properties of Atoms and Fields at the Picometer Scale

Prof. Nestor Zaluzec
Advances in X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy in the Modern Analytical Electron Microscope

Dr. Peter Ercius
Imaging Atomic Structure, Strain, and Disorder By Atomic Electron Tomography

Dr. William A. Hubbard
Advanced STEM EBIC Imaging of Operating Electronic Devices

Dr. Madeline Dressel Dukes
In Situ Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy: An Essential Tool for Studying Dynamic Processes at the Nanoscale