Student and Teachers Mailing Lists Management

The Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs is in charge of moderating e-mails sent to the following mailing lists:

To ensure an efficient use of the generic lists, the EPFL management has taken restrictive measures regarding the distribution of messages through these lists. We therefore ask you to take note of the following decisions:

  • those indispensable to students’ daily life or of an academic and/or institutional nature and any associated reminders.
  • Personal messages (lost & found, apartments for rent, event advertisements…)
  • Annoucements for courses (they must be published in the course books)
  • Announcements for a public thesis defence (PhD students are kindly requested to use the generic mailing lists available for their Section or School to announce these events)
  • reminders for information about events, conferences etc.
  • messages for SHS projects and other course projects

SHS Projects and other course projects

E-mails regarding surveys in the framework of SHS projects or course projects are no longer sent out to all EPFL students. When students do require this channel for academic projects, they may send an e-mail:
  • either to all students in the same (bachelor or master) curriculum within their own School
  • or to all bachelor and master students in their own Section.

E-mails from student associations

Student associations acknowledged by the EPFL are not allowed to use generic mailing lists.
They may, however, inform the EPFL community of their activities via the Association Memento.

This tool was developed specifically for their benefit and allows them to post all advertisements by category of activity.

Such advertisements are moderated by students of acknowledged associations. Once a week, an automatic extraction from the content of the association memento is set out by e-mail in chained characters to all students on campus, to keep them up-to-date on association news.

Associations acknowledged by the EPFL may also send one e-mail per semester via the [email protected] mailing list which reaches all EPFL students and PhD students. A jury of 5 (student) moderators checks the content. If 3 out of 5 jury members agree, the e-mail is released. If the jury rejects the message, the sender is informed of the reasons.

Use the “Announcements” feature

The “Announcements” feature allow you to quickly send messages, with push notifications, to your subscribers and members, directly readable within the EPFL Campus app. You can find all information and the way to activate the feature here.

AGEPoly is in charge of coordinating moderation according to a dedicated charter.



Isabelle Cahour et Daniel Chuard for the student and teachers generic lists

[email protected] for the PhD and thesis director lists

Further Information

EPFL generic mailing lists

Directive concerning collective emails

Annexe to the directive