How to get an edu-ID account?

If you don’t have an edu-ID account yet, go to the edu-ID website and click the “Create an account” button :


You then fill in the form to create your account.

You will also need to set a password for your edu-ID account. For security reasons, please do not reuse your EPFL password.

After creating your account with your personal email, you will receive a request to confirm your email address.

Then you can connect to your account in order to complete it and especially to link it to EPFL by clicking on the plus + on the Organizational Identity line of the Linked Identities section :


A dialog box will then allow you to choose the organization EPFL – EPFL Lausanne :


then after clicking on the Continue.

You’ll be redirected to the page in order to link your edu-ID to the EPFL organisation.