Switch edu-ID account

EPFL is a member of the AAI Federation, which brings together most of Switzerland’s universities, universities of applied sciences, university hospitals, libraries and so on.

The AAI’s aim is to unify access to the Federation’s various shared web resources. Services often accessed from EPFL include mediaspace.epfl.ch, tube.switch.ch, moodle.unil.ch, cdl.unil.ch, swissmooc.ch, courseware.epfl.ch, bib-ezproxy.epfl.ch, filesender.switch.ch, c4science.ch, orcid.org, etc., as well as CLOUD services for scientific journals and mathematical tools.

Access use edu-ID accounts. To connect as an EPFL member to these services, you must have an edu-ID account linked to EPFL. These help pages document how to proceed.

The Switch edu-ID account is a user account managed by the Switch Foundation and is offered free of charge to anyone who wishes to take part in training courses in Switzerland.

The edu-ID account allows also to access to Switch’s services such as Switch Drive or SLSP‘s services for access to the digital content of the Swiss Libraries.

It is therefore quite possible that you have already opened an edu-ID account at another Swiss university. In that case, you do not need to create a new edu-ID account, because each user has a unique edu-ID accountsimply link your account to EPFL to access certain EPFL services.

If you are using a system from a partner institution (Switch edu-ID partners), you will first need to choose Where Are You From by selecting EPFL.

We also invite you to consult the official Switch edu-ID documentation.