For all EPFL students / EPFL staff; for visitors, go to Prices for Visitors
A4 Copy or print
In Black & White
- recto simple: 6 cent.
- duplex (2 faces) : 8 cent. -> 4 cent. one face in duplex
In color
- recto : 10 cent.
- duplex (2 faces) : 16 cent. -> 8 cent. one face in duplex
A3 Copy or print
In Black & White
- recto : 12 cent.
- duplex (2 faces) : 20 cent. -> 10 cent. one face in duplex
In color
- recto : 20 cent.
- duplex (2 faces) : 36 cent. -> 18 cent. one face in duplex
Black & White or Color: free
Big format (A2, A1 and A0)
Standard paper (couché 120gr/m2) and calque
The price for the posters is calculated in cm2, but we can have those approximative prices
- A2: 2.75 CHF
- A1: 5.50 CHF
- A0: 11 CHF
Photo paper, rate will be a little bit higher
Print charges have been fixed according to the price of paper, supplies, depreciation and maintenance of the peripherals and infrastructure.
ALL STUDENTS of the School now pay their impressions; a half-yearly allocation of CHF 24.-, corresponding to 600 A4 NB pages (front and back), is offered to students enrolled in a semester (not doctoral assistants or students in exchange). The amount of this allowance may be adjusted at any time without notice and does not constitute a right.
Each school can extend the allowance of their students. The latter should contact the following people, on behalf of their mates (no individual requests):
- CdM : Mme Emmanuela Mancianti
- ENAC : Mme Consuelo Antille
- I&C : Mme Sylviane Dalmas
- SB : M. Loris Renggli
- STI : Mme Kadhidja Malleck
- SV : Mme Pascale Zbinden
Since January 2017, the impressions are also paid for the employees. Invoices will be sent periodically to unit (or laboratory) managers.
The black & white rate is charged when the user :
- prints a document on a black & white printer
- prints a document on a color printer but uses the “black & white” pool to send the file
- prints a black & white document on a color printer with the color pool.
The systems charges per page.
Therefore, a 20 page document containing only one color page will be charged as: 19 black & white pages and 1 color page. Sometimes, some software misinterprets the dark (or uses grey). Two pools have been created in order to avoid this kind of issues. Use the ‘BW’ pool if you need to print a document exclusively in black and white.
Beware: unspecified formats can be charged at a rate of 2 CHF.
Therefore, make sure to choose the right format when printing (A4, A3, …).