Other parent’s leave (former Paternity leave) 

Other parent’s leave (Art. 37a OPers-EPF)

If the father or mother’s wife, who is considered the other parent under Art. 255a para 1 of the Swiss Civil Code (CC) is gainfully employed, they are entitled to 20 days of absence. This leave is granted in proportion to your scale of occupation. The leave can be taken all at once or in the form of separate days during the first six months following the birth of the child.

The first 10 days of the other parent’s leave have to be taken within 6 months from the date of birth of the child. The remaining 10 days must be taken within 12 months of the child’s birth.

In order to create your entitlement to other parent’s leave in the absence management system, please contact [email protected]. The days of other parent’s leave must then be scheduled and recorded in the Absence Management System by selecting “paternity/2nd parent abs “ as reason for leave when recording your absence. As soon as the official birth certificate has been issued, please send a copy to [email protected]. For single fathers, the paternity acknowledgement certificate is also required.

A form to request loss of earnings compensation (APG) for other parent’s leave will then be sent to you.

Detailed information can be consulted on the page of the Federal Compensation Office (CFC) (only in French).