HR Documents and Forms

Ancillary Activities

  • Ancillary Activities – webpage
  • Ancillary activity authorizaton application form – pdf
  • Ancillary activity declaration form – pdf

Arrival and Departure of an Employee

  • Unit Checklist Employee Arrival (French and English) – doc
  • Unit Checklist Employee Departure – (French and English) – doc
  • Employee departure information letter –  pdf

Benefits for EPFL staff

  • Benefits for Staff – pdf


  • Proposal for a Special Bonus for outstanding performance (French) – pdf

Changes in Funding Source, Working Hours or Unit (past or present changes)

  • Application for a change in Funding Source, Working Hours or Unit (French) – pdf
  • Application for a Base Funded Position – pdf

Curriculum Vitae

  • Curriculum Vitae (English) – doc

Family Allowances

  • Family Allowance Application for EPFL Employees (English) – pdf

Federal Personnel Law

  • Changes to Personnel Law with effect from 1 October 2020 – pdf

Guest / Visiting Professors

  • Visa and work permit for Visiting Professors and Academic Visitors – pdf
  • Notice for Visiting Professors and Academic Visitors concerning insurance (English) – pdf

Holidays and Timetables

Job description: non academic staff

  • Job description (descriptif du poste) – pdf – doc
  • Guide to creating the job description  – pdf

Job descriptions: academic staff

  • Job description – PhD student – doc
  • Job description – Scientific assistant, Postdoc and Scientific collaborator – doc
  • FAQ Job description – PhD student, Scientific assistant, Postdoc and Scientific collaborator (French) – pdf
  • Job description – Sc. coll. Ambizione – doc
  • Job description – Sc. coll. Prima – doc
  • Job description – Sc. coll. Eccellenza – ERC – doc

Mobility benefits

  • Advantageous services on public transportpdf 
  • Professional Travel List – xls

Performance Evaluation and Goal Setting Interviews (Annual)

  • Development and Appraisal Form – doc and Objective Setting Form  – doc
  • Development and Appraisal Form (2024) – doc and Objective Setting Form (2024) – doc



  • EPFL Standard Recruitment Process – pdf
    • Publish a job advertisement – link
    • Basic guidelines for drafting a job announcement (French) – pdf
    • Regular Staff Employment Form – (French) – pdf
    • Regular Staff Employment Form – online application – pdf
    • Proposed interview guidelines – pdf
    • e-learning recruitment training (4 modules) – pdf
    • Evaluation matrix feedback form following Interview – pdf
    • Proposed Reference Check Template – pdf
    • Summary of the documents required for the engagement of a new staff member (French) – pdf
    • Guidelines to fill out a “Regular Staff Employment Form” (French) – pdf
  • Contract management process for PhD students – pdf
    • Hiring proposal for Doctoral Assistant (French) – pdf
    • Model for determination of PhD salary supplement – xlsx
    • FAQ Contract management process for Phd students – pdf
  • HR Outsourcing process for the management of consultants (Helvetic Payroll) – pdf
    • Helvetic Payroll (HP) hiring proposal – pdf
    • Mission description – pdf
    • FAQ HR Outsourcing process with Helvetic Payroll – pdf
  • Temporary Staff
    • Temporary Staff Employment Form (complete version in French) – pdf
    • IP Agreement – pdf
    • Confidentiality Agreement – pdf
    • Code of conduct – pdf

Research Student Assistants (SA – Research)

  • Explanatory note concerning assistantship during Master studies – doc

Restructuring and closure of units

  • HR process for restructuring and closure of units – pdf
  • LEX 4.1.2 and annex 1 – link to Polylex
  • Template_Two pager Direction – doc
  • Template_Information meeting slides – pdf
  • Social Plan for the ETH Domain – pdf
  • Template_Job search activity record – xlsx
  • Template_Intermediate work certificate – doc
  • Template_Final work certificate – doc
  • Evaluation questionnaire – google form


  • Salary information and time management 2024 – pdf
  • Salary information and time management 2023 – pdf
  • Explanation of the Payslip (French) – pdf
  • Payment to natural persons resident in Switzerland and abroad: Payment order C (payment via HR) – doc

Sickness/accident and long-term absences (ALD)

  • Process – pdf
  • Guide information and support for employees and professors – pdf
  • Guide information and support for line managers and professors – pdf
  • Guide return interview – pdf
  • Template repeated absence management – pdf
  • Template information letter – doc
  • Form accident declaration SUVA – pdf

Supplements and Salary Scales for Swiss National Science Foundation (FN) Grants

  • Instructions regarding supplements for Doctoral Posts (French) – pdf
  • PhD Student Salary Scale (French) – Annex III – pdf

Tax at Source

  • Tax at Source Tables (French) VD – link
  • Tax at Source Tables (French) NE – link
  • Tax at Source Tables (French) VS – link
  • Tax at Source Tables (French) GE – link
  • Tax at Source Tables (French) FR – link
  • Summary of Tax Rates in all Cantons – link
