FAQ – Development and Appraisal discussions


You can access the system directly through this link or through Sesame. Your form will be accessible on the main page of the platform. If this is not the case, please contact 1234.

Once the objectives have been set, it is up to your line manager to set the form on to the signature stage

Each cost centre manager or unit manager must enter this information, i.e. allocate employees to the correct direct line manager. If the cost centre manager is also the direct line manager, no action is required.

To access this tool, please go to Sesame ‘Assigning direct line managers’ and structure your team according to the steps described in this document.

No, only the direct line manager will have access to the evaluation forms. However, we encourage you to liaise with the line manager either to participate in the evaluation or to provide feedback before the session.

No, in order to comply with data protection laws (RS However, you will have access to an overview of your teams through reports.

Data Confidentiality

Yes, if you change line manager, your new line manager will be able to review your latest evaluations, with a record of up to 5 years back, provided that performance reviews have taken place and been documented.

Your direct line manager (your N+1) and your dedicated HR team (HR Manager, HR Generalist, and HR Assistant) have access to your form.

No, but your N+2 can obtain a report on the entire process for their teams.


If you disagree with your evaluation, we encourage you to engage in a conversation with your line manager to understand expectations or areas for improvement. Please note that signing the form does not signify your agreement but indicates that you have acknowledged the evaluation.

We encourage an ongoing dialogue between employees and their line managers. Feel free to contact your line manager to schedule a meeting.

Multiple Attachments/ Affiliations

Yes, it is important to have a conversation about your goals and development with your line managers. Consequently, two forms will be managed automatically in the system. If you have more than two affiliations, please complete the form for the additional affiliations found here and return it to your dedicated HR team:
The current system can only handle two affiliations. Affiliations 1 and 2 have been determined based on the following principles:
1. The highest workload percentage takes precedence in determining the affiliation with the unit.
2. If a person’s workload is evenly distributed across multiple units, then seniority in one unit takes precedence over the other or others.
3. If a person’s workload is evenly distributed across multiple units and they started working exactly at the same time with the same supervisors, then the alphabetical order of the unit will be considered.


Performance and development reviews are important as they help clarify objectives, discuss them and evaluate their completion. They also allow you to define a development plan, provide feedback to your supervisor, and express any potential mobility desires.

We invite you to learn how by the following these e-learning: Training resources available

The probation period completion form will be digitalized shortly. We will keep you informed. A goal-setting form will be generated automatically 90 days after your employee’s arrival.

The picture is automatically taken from people.epfl.ch. If you wish to modify the picture, you must modify it from people.eplf.ch: Go to your profile and click on “edit profile”, then activate the button on the top left corner next to your picture.

Process Launch

The digitalized process starts in 2024, the 2023 objectives have not been transferred to the platform. If you wish to assess the achievement of your 2023 objectives in the new digital form, you will need to enter the 2023 objectives again. Starting in 2024, objectives will be entered via the ‘Goal Setting’ form and will be automatically carried over for evaluation the following year.

If objectives have already been set for the upcoming year, we encourage you to enter them into the goal-setting form for 2024. These will be automatically carried over when the 2024 evaluation form is initiated in January 2025.


Yes, the form is saved automatically (every 30 seconds).

If the form has not been signed yet, it is possible to go back to the previous step.

Yes, we strongly encourage conducting this appraissal as it helps clarify objectives, discuss them and evaluate their completion. They also allow you to define a development plan, provide feedback to your line manager, and express any potential mobility desires.

Apprentices are not included in this first phase of digitalization of the appraisal , objective-setting and development discussion process.