Teaching Support Center (CAPE)

Teaching Support Center (CAPE)

The Teaching Support Center offers a wide range of services for all those involved in teaching at EPFL: teachers, doctoral assistants, post-docs, sections and students. The teaching aids and services offered by CAPE are based on evidence-based research in Higher Education, particularly in the STEM field: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Find out more about our approach below.


Each teaching situation has its own distinctive features and so pedagogical strategies must always be tailored to match the context. We work with teachers and teaching teams on a one-to-one basis in order to understand their context and to help them generate possibilities which are realistic and constructive, given their content, their goals and their constraints.


As the person who knows both the content being taught and the students in a course, the teacher is typically the person best placed to make professional judgements about how to teach.  Since the teacher is the one who will have to implement any changes, no solution will work unless the teacher believes in it. We see teachers as the drivers of teaching improvement, and we work with teachers to support them in making the best professional judgements.


We work with teachers on a confidential basis. The data we collect and reports we prepare are provided to the teacher and are not shared with anyone else unless agreed with the teacher.


We review international research on teaching and learning engineering and science and this serves as the basis for our work. This means teachers are provided with a solid foundation which they can use when forming their professional judgements.


The first step to improving teaching is often to understand the context better. We work with teachers to collect data from student feedback questionnaires, classroom observations and reviews of course materials. This provides teachers with a strong foundation for making pedagogical judgements.


Every teacher can improve their courses and their teaching. We offer pedagogical support both to teachers that are experiencing problems with a course, and to those who find courses are going well but who would nonetheless like to innovate or improve.

Our services

Current activities

From Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary

Course Design


With: Joelyn de Lima, Valentina Rossi
Place and room: CM 0 13
Category: Conferences – Seminars


Leveraging Labs for Learning


With: Nihat Kotluk
Place and room: CM 1 100
Category: Conferences – Seminars

See all events

Our team

Networks and Partners

Centre de Soutien à l’Enseignement de l’UNIL
Réseau Romand de Conseil, Formation et Evaluation
SFDN Swiss Faculty Development Network
AIPU Suisse
Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire
International Consortium for Educational Development
European Society for Engineering Education


Bureau RLC D1 740
Station 20
CH-1015 Lausanne

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