You will find on this page the contact information for every helpdesk where you can ask for support concerning your laptop.
If you have any problem regarding your purchase, please contact the reseller directly. Our helpdesks do not sell anything.
The EPFL helpdesk, in addition to its own population, supports students and employees from UNIL and HEIG-VD.
Email: [email protected] (Please, use the email of your school to write to us)
Phone: +41 21 693 22 62
Location: MA A0 393
Servicedesk Poseidon
- Software & hardware troubleshooting
- Buying advice & presentation of the laptops from our offers
- Loan laptops for events
- Small equipment loan
- MacBook Pro loan day
- Repairing smartphones
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday: closed
As a rule, we are open during school holidays, excluding bank holidays.
Helpdesk in other schools
Website of the UNIL helpdesk at Amphimax
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm
Phone : +41 21 692 22 11
Email : [email protected]

Website of the HES-SO Poséidon support.
Directly contact the Cern Micro Club
Website of the association H-Oxygène
You can write to [email protected]
You can write to [email protected]