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LAPIS unit courses
LAPIS unit courses Graphic figuration
(french) (Coursebook not yet approved by the section) Stereotomy (french) Stereotomy is the art of designing and crafting complex stone volumes and wooden assemblies. This course offers a reinterpretation of Stereotomy with various tools, a reflection on geometry, manufacturing processes, modes of representation, visualization, and communication. Theory and techniques of architectural figuration (french) The course imparts the theoretical foundations of the history of figurative art and introduces the operative techniques of representation. The main aim is to integrate the use of digital tools into the intellectual dimension of the discipline. Advanced CAO and Integrated Modeling DIM (french) 1st year: basics of 2D (3D) computer representation.
From one to several software: ability to choose the appropriate 2D and 3D tools.
Linking CAD and DIM tools: critical view and ability to choose the methods necessary for the desired result. Studio BA5 (Braghieri) (french) The studio’s objective is to investigate the topic of construction and recolonization within the Alpine region. The program seeks to establish a commun mixing habitat and handcraft. Studio MA1 (Braghieri) (french) The studio’s objective is to investigate the topic of construction and recolonization within the Alpine region. The program seeks to establish a commun mixing habitat and handcraft. UE H : Graphy (french) Experiment graphic tools to represent architecture. Exercise the skill of communicating via these tools, through repeated practice of eye/hand/brain connections; a reflection stemming from the theories of representation; and by searching for inventive solutions. UE R: Introduction to BIM (Building Information Modeling) (french) This UE explores more in details, and in a more practical way, the concepts introduced during the BIM introduction course AR-484. All project different phases are addressed, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and data exchanges. UE E : Architectures in crises (french) Built heritage is a resource, but many buildings and sites fail to reveal their architectural, urban and social potential. This course encourages students to study buildings by analysing their archives and to develop ideas for interventions that are consistent with their history and context.
Introduction to BIM (Building Information Modeling) (french) Based on feedback from BIM professionals, this introductory course will allow you to acquire a global vision.. UE V : Visions and utopias The teaching unit will take the form of an operational workshop in which the visionary and abstract spirit proposed by utopian literature will find a concrete urban form by composing fragments sought from the vast figurative repertoire offered by the history of architecture. Introduction to building archaeology (french) This course imparts the basic notions of study and analysis methods in construction archaeology. The aim is to develop students’ understanding of ancient buildings, enabling them to take a more sensitive approach to architectural objects. ORIGINAL KNOWLEDGE. 9th Les Rencontres de l’EDAR (english) The ninth edition of Les Rencontres de l’EDAR invites doctoral students to reflect on how to elaborate an original scientific knowledge, referring to their own PhD dissertation. Geometry for architects I (french) This course aims to reveal 3 of the founding principles of geometry.
1/ as an essential mathematic technique in the process of the conception of a project
2/ as a privileged field for parametric modeling software
3/ as a component of the history of the culture of architecture. Geometry for architects II (french) This course deals with the following subjects: perspective, descriptive geometry and an initiation to projective geometry. Forma urbis (french) Some ancient cities are ruins, while others evolve, integrating their history into the urban fabric. These transformations create architectural palimpsests, making the city a living monument where past and present coexist and revealing captivating stories around every corner.
Architecture section courses | Language : English | Orientation Master
Architecture section courses | Language : English | Orientation Master History of Architecture I,II (english) This course critically interrogates the connection of modern architecture with its hypothetical origins by setting it alongside new accounts of the dawn of humanity. Studio BA3 (Taillieu) (english) A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect’s drawing and a pavilion; constructing a “space to be”. Then making two houses, “a place to stay”. Two compact houses. Learning about a house is learning about architecture.
Studio BA3 (Assemble) (english) The work this year will investigate how we can imagine, design and demonstrate the ways in which affordable, low-impact housing on small scale agroecological farms could be built. Studio BA3 (Gay et Menzel) (english) The studio focusses on contextual imaginary. Developing narratives, inspired both by the site and by the student’s imagination leads to a theme sustaining the project. The narrative helps the student to develop an architectural project in a given context. Studio BA4 (Taillieu) (english) A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect’s drawing and a pavillon; constructing a “space to be”. Then making two houses, “a place to stay”. Two compact houses. Learning about a house is learning about architecture.
Studio BA4 (Assemble) (english) The work this year will investigate how we can imagine, design and demonstrate the ways in which affordable, low-impact housing on small scale agroecological farms could be built. Studio BA4 (Gay et Menzel) (english) The studio focusses on contextual imaginary. Developing narratives, inspired both by the site and by the student’s imagination leads to a theme sustaining the project. The narrative helps the student to develop an architectural project in a given context. History of architecture III/IV (english) The course investigates the global history of architecture and town planning between the 16th and 19th centuries, its architects and buildings, and highlights the theoretical, artistic and technical issues involved. History of Architecture V/VI (english)
This is a survey course on the history of architecture of the twentieth century.
Studio BA5 (Viganò) (english) The Studio explores the evolution of Parisian landscapes facing climate change. Through a deep reading of Paris to identify the various issues linked to the socio-ecological transition and its landscape repercussions, students will imagine and design possible futures for the metropolis. Studio BA5 (Malterre-Barthes) (english) “To be useful, helpful, of assistance to someone:” The “In Service of: Le Mirail” studio reflects on the architectural project as a form of public service. It explores how architecture and design tools can engage in spatial struggles for the common good. Studio BA5 (Piovene et Fabi) (english) The semester will focus on how architecture can become today a civic tool empowering the public city. We will look into the possibilities of a public architecture where openness and free appropriation can be explored and enhanced, where the experience of belonging opens up to the multitude. Studio BA5 (Bedir) (english) This studio aims for designing interventions, programs, spaces; and proposing modes of collectivity and instituting for the inhabitation of human and more than human agencies in sites across Switzerland, where water cycles entangle with post Anthropocene landscapes. Studio BA5 (Peris et Toral) (english) Habitat and comfort, architectures of the air, collective housing, place as site, superblock , study trip: Barcelona Studio BA6 (Viganò) (english) Is it conceivable to question the very presence of highways in urban environments? What potential for requalification does this space, with its unique characteristics, offer? Studio BA6 (Malterre-Barthes) (english) This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge and become prevalent. Studio BA6 (Bedir) (english) This studio aims for designing interventions, programs, spaces; and proposing modes of collectivity and instituting for the inhabitation of human and more than human agencies in sites across Switzerland, where water cycles entangle with post Anthropocene landscapes. Studio BA6 (Peris et Toral) (english) Habitat and comfort, architectures of the air, collective housing, climate as site, study trip: Mallorca Studio BA6 (Lippok et Walter) (english)
Waldrap Atelier will critically investigate the relationships between cities and landscapes. We will analyse this context, discuss strategies, and unveil visions as supporting structures.
Studio BA6 (Huang) (english) The studio examines the effects of artificial intelligence on architecture and cities. We explore data-driven design processes by the use of algorithmic and parametric tools that take into consideration geographical, economical, personal, image, political, ecological parameters. Introduction to computational architecture (english) This course introduces the students to text programming practice in 3D modeling (Rhinoceros3D). The main objective of the course is to develop a computational mindset to maximize the use of efficient digital tools in architectural design. Constructing the view: built images (english) What is meant by the term “image” as pictorial representation? How do we read, process and interpret images – and what premises can be derived from this for the conception and production of meaningful images? Under construction (english) This theory course considers the building as a material thing, focusing on the process and matter of architecture to examine how buildings come into being and stay (or don’t) in place: through discourse, through their site, through industries, and through the labor of workers. History of park and garden design (english) The course introduces the most important periods of European and international garden history and design up to the present day and shows the importance of public parks and green spaces for modern urban development. Students are given the opportunity to analyze and interpret their own example. Studio MA1 (Vigano) (english) The Studio explores the evolution of Parisian landscapes facing climate change. Through a deep reading of Paris to identify the various issues linked to the socio-ecological transition and its landscape repercussions, students will imagine and design possible futures for the metropolis. Studio MA1 (Malterre-Barthes) (english) “To be useful, helpful, of assistance to someone:” The “In Service of: Le Mirail” studio reflects on the architectural project as a form of public service. It explores how architecture and design tools can engage in spatial struggles for the common good. Studio MA1 (Piovene et Fabi) (english) The semester will focus on how architecture can become today a civic tool empowering the public city. We will look into the possibilities of a public architecture where openness and free appropriation can be explored and enhanced, where the experience of belonging opens up to the multitude. Studio MA1 (Bedir) (english) This studio aims for designing interventions, programs, spaces; and proposing modes of collectivity and instituting for the inhabitation of human and more than human agencies in sites across Switzerland, where water cycles entangle with post Anthropocene landscapes. Studio MA1 (Peris et Toral) (english) Habitat and comfort, architectures of the air, collective housing, place as site, superblock , study trip: Barcelona Studio MA2 (Vigano) (english) Is it conceivable to question the very presence of highways in urban environments? What potential for requalification does this space, with its unique characteristics, offer? Studio MA2 (Malterre-Barthes) (english) This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge and become prevalent. Studio MA2 (Bedir) (english) This studio aims for designing interventions, programs, spaces; and proposing modes of collectivity and instituting for the inhabitation of human and more than human agencies in sites across Switzerland, where water cycles entangle with post Anthropocene landscapes. Studio MA2 (Peris et Toral) (english) Habitat and comfort, architectures of the air, collective housing, climate as site, study trip: Mallorca Studio MA2 (Lippok et Walter) (english) Waldrap Atelier will critically investigate the relationships between cities and landscapes. We will analyse this context, discuss strategies, and unveil visions as supporting structures. Studio MA2 (Huang) (english) The studio examines the effects of artificial intelligence on architecture and cities. We explore data-driven design processes by the use of algorithmic and parametric tools that take into consideration geographical, economical, personal, image, political, ecological parameters. Constructing the view: still life (english) This course explores visual strategies and techniques for creating apparent reality. The course concentrates on the field of 3D computer graphics and the production of still lifes as computer-generated images (CGI). UE N : Constructing the view (english) This course focuses on the production of utopian scenarios using experimental composition techniques. By means of digital montage, the fictitious scenes are meaningfully conveyed in a series of images. Constructing the view: in motion (english) This course addresses the subject of moving images. It focuses on the field of 3D computer graphics and the animation of computer-generated images (CGI). Comfort and architecture: sustainable strategies (english) This class offers an overview about comfort evaluations in architectural design and suggests passive and low-energy strategies suited to ensure the highest possible indoor environment quality for buildings. Enlighten your design studio project (english) This course will support students in integrating daylight concepts into their ongoing studio projects. With an emphasis on the perceptual, qualitative, and emotional aspects of daylight, the objective is to achieve an awareness of how daylight both shapes and is shaped by architecture. UE U : Cartography (english) Teaching unit offering a critical method for mapping environmental aesthetics in architecture. Interactive conceptual design of structural forms (english) The class exposes students to the geometric design of material efficient architectural structures. The focus is placed on the conceptual exploration of a rich, diverse solution set. Hand-controlled methods and parametric tools are used, as well as strategies to rapidly take key decisions. Political economy of design (english) Political Economy of Design (PED) seeks to position and discuss architecture in relation to the world of production, economic interests and community benefits or decisions, at a local and global scale. Behind/Beyond future cities (english) We are living in an urban world and the design of sustainable cities is essential in order to decrease our energy footprint. This course provides the instruments to understand the complex urban metabolism, as well as the solutions for planning future smart and sustainable cities. Building design in the circular economy (english) The class introduces the concept of circular economy and its applications to building design, with a focus on design with reused components, design for disassembly, and life-cycle assessment. The class develops critical thinking skills over and above theoretical and technical inputs. Modernity, architecture and the environment (english) Theory course on modernist environmental aesthetics in architecture. Sustainable Japanese architecture and landscape (english) This course focuses on the circulation of the imaginary between cultures. It shows how major Western architects, landscape designers, painters and sculptors have been inserting sustainable architectural and landscape Japanese devices and notions into their designs since the 19th century. Urban demography (english) This course introduces theoretical developments and empirical evidence on city population change worldwide, as well as on its interactions with sustainable development. Students will learn how to identify sociodemographic profiles of cities to better serve them. The adventures of rationalism (english) The course traces the recurring reemergence of a rational approach in design and building form throughout the history of Western architecture, from the Middle Ages to the late 20th century. UE M : Constructing materials (english) This course examines how conceptions of building materials are shaped, how they entangle with their use in architecture, and what happens when materials come together in buildings. Guided research projects will be supported by both theoretical and practical course content. Construction policy (english) Construction Policy seeks to familiarise architecture and engineering students with instruments of policy analysis, evaluation and, eventually, design. This by introducing elements of policy theory, examining historical and contemporary case studies, and preparing a proposal. Exquisite Corpse: Architecture Assembled (english) Through close readings of key examples, the course revisits the historical evolution of architectural drawing and representation as autonomous entities, aiming to reclaim the agency of architectural drawing as a project. Green spaces – Concepts and planning approaches (english) Urban green offers a variety of services and thus plays an important role in the transformation of our cities. The course provides an overview of various innovative approaches to the planning and design of multifunctional green spaces, focussing on how to build blue and green infrastructures. Domestic space in the 20th century (english) This course is part of a three-year trajectory dedicated to a comprehensive history of domestic space and its relationship with urban form, from prehistory to Neoliberalism. Climate and water sensitive urban design (english) This project-based course introduces students to the field of urban climate and hydrology, with a focus on nature-based solutions for the design of climate and water resilient cities.
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List of LIDIAP unit courses:
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Automatic speech processing
The goal of this course is to provide the students with the main formalisms, models and algorithms required for the implementation of advanced speech processing applications (involving, among others, speech coding, speech analysis/synthesis, and speech recognition, speaker recognition).
Section of Digital Humanities
Teachers: Magimai Doss Mathew
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Computational Social Media
The course integrates concepts from media studies, machine learning, multimedia, and network science to characterize social practices and analyze content in platforms like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Students will learn computational methods to understand phenomena in social media.
Teachers: Gatica-Perez Daniel
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Deep Learning For Natural Language Processing
The Deep Learning for NLP course provides an overview of neural network based methods applied to text. The focus is on models particularly suited to the properties of human language, such as categorical, unbounded, and structured representations, and very large input and output vocabularies.
Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering
Teachers: Henderson James
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Deep learning
This course explores how to design reliable discriminative and generative neural networks, the ethics of data acquisition and model deployment, as well as modern multi-modal models.
Doctoral Program in Learning Sciences
Teachers: Cavallaro Andrea
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Digital Speech and Audio Coding
The goal of this course is to introduce the engineering students state-of-the-art speech and audio coding techniques with an emphasis on the integration of knowledge about sound production and auditory perception through signal processing techniques.
Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering
Teachers: Magimai Doss Mathew, Motlicek Petr
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Fundamentals in statistical pattern recognition
Doctoral Program in Computational and Quantitative Biology
Teachers: Canévet Olivier, Anjos André, Marcel Sébastien
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Fundamentals of machine learning
This course provides a general overview of machine learning, covering the main algorithms, theoretical formalisms, and experimental protocols.
Section of Electrical and Electronical Engineering
Teachers: Liebling Michael Stefan Daniel
Language: french
Academic term: 2024-2025
Genomics and bioinformatics
This course covers various data analysis approaches associated with applications of DNA sequencing technologies, from genome sequencing to quantifying gene evolution, gene expression, transcription factor binding and chromosome conformation.
Section of Life Sciences Engineering
Teachers: Bitbol Anne-Florence Raphaëlle, Luisier Raphaelle, Rougemont Jacques
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Machine Learning for Engineers
Doctoral Program in Microsystems and Microelectronics
Teachers: Villamizar Michael, Calinon Sylvain, Odobez Jean-Marc, Canévet Olivier
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Perception and learning from multimodal sensors
The course will cover different aspects of multimodal processing (complementarity vs redundancy; alignment and synchrony; fusion), with an emphasis on the analysis of people, behaviors and interactions from multimodal sensor, using statistical models and deep learning as main modeling tools.
Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering
Teachers: Odobez Jean-Marc
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
List of courses of the Master of education whose sciper is 107931, in English and sorted by Professor:
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Information, Computation, Communication
The course objectives are to introduce the students to algorithmic thinking, to get them familiar with the foundations of communication and computer sciences and to develop a first set of skills in programming with the Python language.
Section of Civil Engineering
Teachers: Stojilovic Mirjana, Lévêque Olivier
Language: french
Academic term: 2024-2025
Turing+ course, Quantum computation
Teachers: Lévêque Olivier
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025
Introduction to quantum computation
The course introduces the paradigm of quantum computation in an axiomatic way. We introduce the notion of quantum bit, gates, circuits and we treat the most important quantum algorithms. We also touch upon error correcting codes. This course is independent of COM-309.
Teachers: Urbanke Rüdiger, Lévêque Olivier
Language: english
Academic term: 2024-2025