News channel dashboard
Once your news is created, you can manipulate it via the tab ‘News’ > ‘Edit my news’.
Warning: a news that has been stopped and that you publish again will appear with the current date, at the top of your news list. You will have to make sure to put it in the right position using the option allowing you to choose the order of appearance of the news.
List of the functionalities available through the “News” menu > “Edit my news”:
- see all the articles of your channel
- check their status (published (online):
| not published:
see preview and publish an article
edit an article (access to the article edition interface)
delete an article
change the publication date of an imported article (functionality on demand)
Importing articles: an asset of the news tool
The first window displayed after login shows the latest articles published via the tool, in the multiple existing channels (from to faculty homepages to lab channels).
Through the ‘Import and share’ button, you can copy any article you wish into your own news channel.
To access this functionality, you can also go through the “News” menu > “Import news”.
Import an article
Procedure to copy an article into your news channel:
- Go to ‘News’ > ‘Import news’
- Log in and use the button ‘Import and broadcast’
The article will be automatically published in your news channel.
All of your followers will be notified of the article that has been published in your news channel.
If both versions (French and English) are published, both will be imported in the same article. Otherwise, only the published version will be imported. If the other version was to be imported later on, you will have two articles with the same version, of which one will have both French and English versions.
Originals and copies
- You can edit an imported article in your channel.
- ”Copy = photocopy”: if you edit a copied article, the original will not be altered.
- The copy of an article will not be displayed in the general EPFL news channel, even if it has been edited.
- The modifications made to an original article will not be applied to your copy.
- If you delete an article that you have imported, the original will remain.
- If the original version of an article you have copied is deleted, your copy will remain online.
- An imported article bears the signature of its original author. If you modify it substantially, it would be better to add your name to the “authors” field.
- A published imported article will keep its publication date.
By default, your articles are displayed in the ante-chronological order on your website and on the dedicated channel; the most recently published article will appear first.
The order is identical in French and in English.
Upon demand (but it is not recommended) you can cheat and change the publication date of an article.
Use the button of the “News” menu > “Edit my news”.
To be able to change the publication date, the article has to have been published.
It is a special edition right that you need to request from [email protected].
The publication date of articles does not change, but their order can be modified.
Go to “News” > “Change the publish order of my news” and then you can drag and drop.
The order is updated in your news channels webpage and in the webservice which displays it on your website.

In order for a published article not to appear on the web pages (but to remain visible for a newsletter, for instance), use the ‘Visibility’ checkbox when writing the article.
In the menu ‘News’ > ‘View the trash’, it is possible to recover the deleted articles.