Obtain statistics on a news channel (Google Analytics)

GA use at EPFL

Data traffic analysis at EPFL can be done for free thanks to the Google Analytics tool. Google Analytics Anonymized is currently the only tracking tool authorized at EPFL
GA is not installed by default, the local webmaster has to proceed to its installation. 
But first, you need to create a Google Analytics account. 

  • Login on actu.epfl.ch
  • Choose the news channel on which you would like to install the statistics tool
  • Go to the “News” menu > “Obtain statistics”
  • Paste the analytics code (ex: G-xxxxxxxxxx)
  • The code is valid for both languages.

No, you can only use one GA account per news channel.


This way you can compare the statistics of articles from different channels. 

By changing the tracking ID under ‘News’ > ‘Obtain statistics’.