Translating a page

  • You can choose to translate a page immediately or in a second stage
  • The translated page appears as separate page in the Pages pane, in other words, it is not a page that can display a content in a language or another. These are several (two or more) pages link together.
  • The translated page has to be added to the menu

Adding a translation while creating a new page

  1. If you are in the process of adding content in English, you must first save what you have done by clicking on the Save Draft button or on the Publish button
  2. In the Languages box, click on the plus ( + ) sign
  3. Add a title and the content of the translated page
  4.  Click on the Save Draft button or on the Publish button. Both language versions can have different publication status

Then add your page to the menu so that it is visible in your site

Translating an already existing page

  1. In the Main navigation menu click on Pages to display the list of pages
  2. In the language column, click on the plus sign ( + ) of page to be translated
  3. Add a title and the content
  4. Click on the Save Draft button or on the Publish button. Both versions can have different publication status

Then add your page to the menu so that it is visible in your site

Deleting a translation

There are no special operations to perform when you want to keep a page in one language but not in another. Just delete the page in the desired language. Do not forget to change the menu accordingly