Problems & FAQ CAMIPRO

How much does the CAMIPRO card cost, at what is its validity?

  • It is free of charge
  • Its validity duration is written on the rewritable strip

I haven’t received my card

Students : Please come to the Students Service desk, BP 1229.

Staff and hosts : Please contact the CAMIPRO Back-Office, either by phone (3 66 66) or by email.

There is a mistake on the card (picture, first name, last name, sciper number).

Students : Please come to the Students Service Desk, BP 1229.

Staff and hosts : Please contact the CAMIPRO Back-Office, either by phone (021-693 66 66) or by email.

Where are the CAMIPRO kiosks located?

Check the campus map, then click “Shops and services” (“Camipro machines” checkbox).

What appears on the rewritable zone?

The following points will appear:

  • Status of the holder : staff, student, apprentice, external firms, hosts and Out-Of-EPFL
  • The validity duration for the students, the apprentice, the external firms and the hosts

There is a mistake on the rewritable zone.

Students : Please come to the Students Service Desk, BP 1229.

Staff and hosts : Please contact the CAMIPRO Back-Office, either by phone (021-693 66 66) or by email.

My card isn’t read by the CAMIPRO door readers.

The chip could be defective, please contact the CAMIPRO Back-Office (tel: 021-693 66 66, email: [email protected]).

Does the card have a limit of charge?

Yes, the CAMIPRO card has a limit of credit of CHF 600.- per personal account.

Where can I pay with my CAMIPRO card?

Please check the Restaurants / shops page.

How do I pay with my CAMIPRO card?

At the cash desk, you must simply place your CAMIPRO card on the small white spot situated next to each cash desk. The payment is quickly made and your CAMIPRO card is immediately debited.  

About the payment at the photocopiers and at the Selecta automats, it is very simple. Please read the instructions of use available on site.

What is the delay from which the made operations are considered as accepted?

There’s no delay. Each operation is done immediately (Example: if you introduce CHF 50.-into charger in order to charge your CAMIPRO card, the amount will be directly available).

Can a student benefit of CHF 8.- meals if he shows his CAMIPRO card, but if he wants to pay his meal cash?

It is possible to get the CHF 8.- menu only by card payment. The CHF 2.- discount is only granted if there’s enough credit left to pay the menu.

When and how are we informed of the credit left on the CAMIPRO card?

People are informed of the credit left on their CAMIPRO card right after each purchase in selling points by checking the receipt (if this one is asked) or the display on the cash desks at the payment.

Furthermore, they have the possibility to go to the various CAMIPRO kiosks or chargers to check up the available credit. You can also find this information in you myCAMIPRO personal area of this website or in the EPFL Campus app

Can we have a statement of the operations made on our account?

The last operations on your CAMIPRO card can be checked in the personal area of this website. You can also check this information on a CAMIPRO kiosk.

Does the cash function get blocked in case of prolonged non-use?

The CAMIPRO card can’t be blocked in case of prolonged non-use.

Does the card include a credit limit function for people with little budget?

It’s only about prepayment. From then on, it isn’t possible to buy on credit and thus to get under CHF 0.00 per personal account. If there isn’t enough credit left on the CAMIPRO card, you can’t pay with it.

What is the procedure to follow in case of malfunction of the system?

The CAMIPRO cards’ system is directly linked to the CAMIPRO Back-Office (tel. 021-693 66 66 or e-mail: [email protected]). In case of a problem with the CAMIPRO payment system, please contact the VPSI Help Desk :[email protected] or 021-693 12 34.

What can we do if our CAMIPRO card is « swallowed » by the charger after one minute of inaction?

You must contact the VPSI Help Desk (tel. 1234 or e-mail : [email protected]). An authorized person will get your card back. You will get your card back at the Students Service Desk (BP 1229).

What organism can we contact to get back the credit left on the card and how is the money restored?

When you leave the EPFL and wish to get back the saldo left on your CAMIPRO card, you have to go to the AGEPoly office. There are no other selling points where you can get your money back.

The money is only returned in cash and you can get it back only if you are leaving or have already left the EPFL.

If your card is already blocked or you are not on the campus anymore, you can ask to get back your card balance with the following form. Please submit your IBAN account (in Switzerland of UE), name and address. This is only allowed to people leaving or that have already left EPFL.

Why is a second purse needed for myPrint?

Every student receives at the beginning of each semester a printing allocation, which corresponds to a certain amount of money. In order to avoid that the students consume this amount at the cafeterias, restaurants or vending machines, it was decided to transfer the money on a purse separate from the regular CAMIPRO purse. This is why we have created a second purse on your CAMIPRO card: the myPrint purse, to be used exclusively in the myPrint system.

How can I get my CAMIPRO photo in digital format?

If you want to get your CAMIPRO photo in digital format, you need to connect to Then you click on the link down right called “login”. After logging in with your Gaspar password, you  reach your profile. You can right click on your photo, and save it locally to your computer.

Should I return my Camipro card when I leave EPFL?

The card must be retained and may be reactivated in the event of a return to EPFL
within 12 months of its deactivation.