
The accreditation of a person refers to the authorization given to that person to be attached to an EPFL unit. Accreditation can be automatic when it is issued by HR through SAP RH or by the Academic Service through IS-Academia, it is manual when it is issued directly by the accreditor of a unit. Arthur Legrand, the accreditor of the ERP-MD unit, accredits Daenerys Targaryen in his unit for a period of 3 months.
Refers to the person who holds the right of accreditation for a unit. Arthur Legrand, the accreditor of the ERP-MD unit, accredits Daenerys Targaryen in his unit for a period of 3 months.
Authorization to exercise a right, given by a responsible person. Arthur Legrand, the head of the 1921 financial center (ERP-MD), gives permission to validate the expense reports on his financial center to Daenerys Targaryen
Classes allow a subclassification of student and staff status. They also allow the creation of automatically generated mailing lists every night. The on-boarding class of the Staff status activates the strict necessary to configure a workstation, for example the right to appear in the directory is not activated.
A person has the right to carry out a secure action on a given resource and for a given time. The person is a beneficiary of the right.Daenerys Targaryen holds the right to validate expense reports on the 1921 CF for one year.
A natural person with a digital identity at EPFL (SCIPER). Daenerys Targaryen has a digital identity at EPFL and no. SCIPER 359884.
Ownership of an accreditation
Ownership of a right to an accreditation allows the accreditor to authorize or prohibit this right. The right to appear in the directory may be prohibited for a staff member.
Protected resource
A protected resource refers to the object to which an action applies only after authorization. In Accred, resources include units, financial centers and funds. The 1921 financial center of the ERP-MD unit is a protected resource in Accred.
Un rôle permet de regrouper des droits. Une autorisation à exercer un rôle, donnée à une personne, lui permet d’exercer les droits inclus dans le rôle. Le rôle Gestionnaire d’unité inclut entre autres tous les droits nécessaires pour accéder à l’infocentre RH
The status of a person at EPFL is a classification into 4 categories: Student, Staff, Host, Outside EPFL. Each status defines a list of default properties, used to calculate the authorizations given during accreditation.
Refers to the person who holds the right of accreditation for a faculty or vice-presidency. Arthur Legrand is the super-accréditeur of ENAC, he can replace any accelerate in his faculty if necessary.
The holder of a role may appoint a substitute to replace him during their absences. A financial center manager may appoint another financial center manager of their institute during their absences.