Individual credit cards: what you need to know
The directive on the use of credit cards at EPFL (LEX 5.4.1) applies to any Unit or person holding an individual credit cards (CCI):
- These are made available to the Heads of Unit. The right “CCC” is associated with the Accred role, ‘Head of Unit’.
- Heads of Unit may grant an individual credit card (CCI) to any individual in their Unit who travels regularly and who has an EPFL employement contract with an employement rate of 50% or more.
- This means of payment is to be used exclusively for travel expenses and related expenses worth less than CHF 5,000 per transaction and does not replace the EPFL recommended purchasing channels.
- This method of payment does not authorize cash withdrawals in Switzerland or abroad.
Do you have a purchase credit card for your unit? See this page for more information about this type of card.
Holder of an EPFL individual credit card?
- Only use your credit card to cover travel expenses and additional related expenses on behalf of EPFL (Table of purchase channels and means of payment).
- Respect the provisions of the Directive concerning to the reimbursement of work-related expenses (LEX 5.6.1).
- If you have mistakenly used your card for private expenses, you must declare them as such on your expense statement. These are to be deducted from the amount to be reimbursed. If the private expenses exceed the amount to be reimbursed, the excess amount shall be deducted from the next month’s salary.
Document your purchases
- Document all expenses from the very first franc by means of a receipt; if necessary, details must be provided.
- Original receipts are to be retained until the closing of the expense claim.
Gain time and simplify your work
To simplify your work and that of the travel organiser, use the EPFL Campus My travel and expenses application.

Install the VisecaOne application on your smartphone to track your spending and quickly detect any fraud. Never share the individual credit card (CCI) or its access codes.
All transactions performed with individual credit cards (CCI) are automatically uploaded in the Expense management tool each month.
Each cardholder earmarks its expenses to the correct Expense report. Expenses are recorded once the expense report is approved.
- Credit cards may be used only for those transactions listed in the table of purchasing channels and means of payment, such as train ticket outside of Switzerland, accommodation for travelers, rental car or entertainment expenses.
- Flight tickets may only be purchased from the EPFL travel agency.
- Credit cards may not be used for the purchase of equipment to be inventoried.
The monthly limit per individual credit card (CCC) is CHF 10’000.- for expenses worth less than CHF 5,000 per transaction.
Safety rules and regulations
The number, the expiry date and the CVV number of all credit cards shall not be divulged to third parties and may not under any circumstances be reproduced on another medium.
- Credit card data may only be transmitted on a secure site.
- With the exception of communicating with the EPFL Travel Agency, no credit card data may be transmitted by telephone, email or any other form of electronic message, or on paper.
- No order must be placed using a credit card from computers or computing centres accessible to the public.
- If no other solution is possible, the browser cache must be deleted after logging out.
Information available on the Viseca website
Measures in case of non-compliant credit card operations
Measures ranging from a warning to withdrawal of the credit card may be taken in case of non-compliant operations. These notably include:
- Individual purchase exceeding the limits (CHF 5,000.- per transactions).
- Misuse of credit card by unauthorised persons.
- Failure to comply with the operational rules / unauthorised purchases.
The Unit assumes full financial damages resulting from the non-delivery of purchased goods or services, fraud or improper use of the credit card.
Useful Links:
LEX 5.4.1 – Directive on the use of credit cards at EPFL
LEX 5.6.1 – Directive the reimbursement of work-related expenses
Table of purchasing channels and means of payment
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Finance Support: [email protected]