The group’s basic data are :

Name: This is the group identifier. Accepted characters are lower-case letters from a to z, numbers, hyphens, periods and underscores. The space character is not accepted.
Description: An explanation of what the group is for, so you’ll remember what it is months from now.
URL: An optional web link for further information.

The next step allows you to choose between 3 different modes of member visibility in the application
Anyone can see the list of members: Anyone who views your group in the application will be able to see the list of members. This is the default option.
Only you can see the list of members: Access to the member list is restricted to the owner.
Only members can see the list of members: Access to the member list is restricted to members only.
Please note: There is no control between this visibility option in and the visibility option in, so please ensure that they are compatible.
The next step lets you decide how group members are managed

Only group owner and admins can add/remove group members: This option gives you the greatest control over the members of your group. You and the admins of the group you name can modify the list of members. This is the default option.
Members can add/remove themselves to/from the group: This is the open group option, where members manage themselves.
Same, but you are warned by email when such thing appends: Each time a member is added or removed, the owner receives an e-mail informing him of the change.
The last option, Group is visible in the list of groups, allows you to hide the group by deactivating it, notably in the list of all groups.