Chemical waste is collected every Wednesday morning between 10:30 and 11:30 AM in room AI 01.
Chemical waste (solid and liquid) is sorted and disposed of according to a common procedure at EPFL. In general, chlorinated solvents will be separated from non-chlorinated solvents, acids, bases, heavy metals, oils (organic and mineral), development products and poisons (ethidium bromide, DAP, osmium tetroxide etc.).
The complete sorting procedure is described on this page.
- Unstable chemicals must be neutralized by users before disposal;
- Empty chemical bottles are disposed of through the recycled glass stream, unless the bottles contained highly toxic chemicals. The bottle should be rinsed and the label removed or crossed out to indicate that it no longer contains a hazardous product.
Recovery material (cans, bottles, absorbent material) is available to users on request.