General questions on the Washing Facility
The Facilities are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 to 4:30 PM.
Questions regarding glassware cleaning
Yes, for hygiene and safety reasons, users are requested to rinse all glassware before passing it along to the Facility. This will prevent product residues from drying or sticking to the recipients, making cleaning more difficult, or exposing the collaborators to the remains of any toxic or corrosive products.
There are several possible reasons as to why the boxes of glassware are not being collected:
- The glassware box is not full enough: The Facillity personnel will only collect boxes that are at least half full. However, if your unit does not use a lot of glasswere to fill it at least halfway, the box will be picked up at the end of the week anyway;
- Items are not properly pre-rinsed by users: For hygiene and safety reasons, users are asked to rinse the glassware thoroughly before placing it in the crates. If the collaborators find that the glassware has too much residue, users will be notified by a note placed in the grey box;
- The glassware crate is overfilled: If dishes are sticking out from the edge of the crate, the collaborators are unable to collect them as they are stacked on carts during collection rounds. Overfilled crates of dishes are left in the labs and a note is placed on them for attention of users.
- The glassware is improperly stored in the crate: If items are stacked unstably, protrude from the top of the box, or are in danger of breaking, boxes will not be collected. An explanatory note will be left in the concerned crates for the attention of users.
It all depends on the composition of the item. Washing and disinfection cycles are very aggressive, therefore it is necessary to determine beforehand if your ware or equipment can resist them.
The glassware is washed in washer-disinfectors where it undergoes washing, rinsing and drying. The glassware is then transferred to a dry heat oven to eliminate all traces of DNases and pyrogens. Laboratory flasks with screw caps are sterilized by autoclaving.
Clean glassware is distributed directly to the glassware cabinets in the laboratories as follows:
- Glassware is distributed between 8:00 and 10:00 AM;
- Plasticware is distributed between 3:00 and 4:00 PM.
Information on service costs and billing can be found on our “Invoicing” page.
Questions about sterilization
In principle, any type of material can be autoclaved. However, it must be resistant to heat and high pressure. Large items or equipment requiring decontamination that cannot be placed in autoclaves may be processed in a peroxide room available at the School. If users have any questions about this service, they may contact the Facility by email or by phone at number 39663.
Solutions and laboratory material are processed from Monday to Friday according to the following schedule:
- Solutions of less than 2 Liters:
1st pickup at 7:30 AM -> 1st distribution of 1:30 PM
2nd pickup at 1:30 PM -> 2nd distribution at 4:00 PM
- Solutions of 2 Liters:
1st pickup at 7:30 AM -> 1st distribution of 1:30 PM
2nd pickup at 1:30 PM -> 2nd distribution the next day at 1:30 PM
- Solid material (plastics, surgical instruments, etc.):
1st pickup at 7:30 AM -> 1st distribution of 1:30 PM
2nd pickup at 1:30 PM -> 2nd distribution the next day at 7:30 AM
The Facility personnel will apply one of the two control tapes below to the processed material depending on the treatment performed. If the material has been sterilized, it will have the autoclave control tape on the left. If the material has been treated in a dry heat oven, the control tape will be the one on the right.
NB: The dry heat oven does not sterilize the material, but eliminates DNases and pyrogens.
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Autoclave control tape | Dry heat indicator tape |
The Washing Facility provides the laboratories with sterile bi-distilled water produced from the demineralized water network. More information about the different types of water available in the SV School can be found on this page.
Bidistilled water is bottled in volumes of 2L, 1L and 500mL and autoclaved before being provided to users. Users can collect up to 4 L of water without prior order, in the Facilities SV 1522 and AI 0231, during business hours. Volumes of 5 Liters and more, a prior order by email is required. The delivery time can vary between 3 days and 1 week depending on the desired volume. Notification is sent by email as soon as the order is ready for pick up at our location.
Questions about lab coats
The Facility provides users with white cotton BSL1 labcoats.
The distribution of BSL1 lab coats takes place in the facilities in AI 0231 and SV 1522, every day, during operating hours, i.e. from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM.
New collaborators of the School of Life Sciences laboratories can receive their first BSL1 lab coats by signing in at the Washing Facility of their respective building during the opening hours.
The cost of distribution, collection and cleaning of lab coats is included in the monthly fee.