EDME Candidacy Exam

To be formally admitted to start a doctoral thesis at the EPFL, you must successfully pass the candidacy exam at the end of the 1st year of doctoral studies.
The candidacy exam consists in an oral presentation of approximately thirty minutes where you present your research proposal. It is followed by questions from the jury. You must demonstrate the originality of your thesis subject, the objectives and methods envisaged, as well as the hypothesis and related scientific arguments, including the general context of the thesis subject, state of the art of research in the area, position of your work within the research area, plan and methodology for the research project, as well as the timeframe for its completion.
You need to complete and valid the candidacy exam proposal directly on your IS-Academia account at the latest 10 days prior to the exam (no need to sign the jury proposal). Don’t forget to send one copy of your research plan to each member of the jury before the exam.
After the exam, you need to hand in your final version of your research plan in PDF as well as the signed front page to the program’s administrator.
Important: Please make sure that all the jury members are available on the chosen date, before you fix the date for the exam!
The candidacy exam will be held at least nine months and withing twelve months of the enrolment. In the unlikely situation that you fail the candidacy exam, you will have one opportunity to retake it within 15 months after your registration date.