EDME Mentoring

The doctoral program will attribute you a mentor from the EDME mentor pool within the first 3 month after enrolement. You may change mentor with the agreeement of the program director.
You are asked to meet with your mentor at least once before the candidacy exam. Then you will meet with your mentor at least once a year at the time when you submit your annual report. But please feel free to contact your mentor whenever you deem necessary.
The mentor remains anonymous with respect to the thesis director to ensure confidentiality. It is your decision if you would like to keep this anonymity or not.
Your mentor is a valuable resource and is available to discuss your academic progress or career choices and provide guidance in the resolution of any difficulties met within the context of your training, in particular regarding the preparation of your thesis or in cases of conflict.
It is recommended that your mentor does not participate in nor presides over the jury for either the candidacy or the oral exam.