EDME Course information

Course Registration
Please register directly online on IS-Academia for the chosen course at the EPFL.
Important: Even though you do not need to complete a course registration form for internal courses anymore and make it sign by your thesis director and the program’s director for approval, it is important that you keep your thesis director informed about the courses you are attending.
If you wish to sign off a course that you have registered for on IS-Academia, please contact the program’s administrator who is going to take out the course of your course list.
Course enrolement guide (IS-Academia)
IS-Academia Guidelines
External Courses
As for courses outside the EPFL doctoral school, please complete the EDME External Course Registration Form and let your thesis director sign for approval.The program’s director will then examine your request. Once approved by the program’s director, we will return the form to you with all the signatures which means that everything is ok and you can attend the course. The course has to be approved by the program BEFORE it takes place. Otherwise you risk that the program won’t accept the credits!
The number of credits is going to be fixed by the program before the course.
At the end of the course, please send me the external course registration form completed with the result of the exam and the signature of your thesis director, joining a short course report and a copy of the course certificate.
Credits will only be accepted with an official exam result (oral exam, written exam, final project).