EDCE Jury Presidents Guidelines for the jury President of the Oral Exam Meret AeppliTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 72 79ALP 1 014Alexandre AlahiAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 26 08GC C1 383Ianina AltshulerTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 69 05ALP 3 702Christophe AnceyAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 32 87GC A1 401Marilyne AndersenFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 08 82LE 1 115Tom Ian BattinFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 08 37ALP 3 813Alexis BerneAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 80 51GR C2 564Rizlan Bernier-LatmaniFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 50 01CH A1 375Katrin BeyerAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 62 34GC B2 504Michel BierlaireFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 25 37GC B2 386Claudia R. BinderFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 93 62GR C1 482Sara BonettiTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 93 33ALP 2 003Jérôme ChappellazFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 39 16ALP 1 702Jérôme ChenalSenior Scientist[email protected]+41 21 693 23 55BP 3234Emmanuel DenariéSenior Scientist[email protected]+41 21 693 28 93Olga FinkTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 66 29GC A3 424Corentin FivetAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 695 72 32BP 3224Nikolaos GeroliminisFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 24 81GC C2 383Charlotte GrossiordTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 46 50GR B2 407Wenyu GuTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 79 99CH C2 392Beate JesselFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 19 53BP 4235Stéphane JoostSenior Scientist[email protected]+41 21 693 57 82GR C2 554Vincent KaufmannAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 62 29BP 2245Dolaana KhovalygTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 695 72 11HBL 2 5CTamar KohnFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 08 91GR A0 402Lyesse LalouiFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 23 14GC D1 416Brice LecampionAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 27 07GC B1 391Michael LehningFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 80 81ALP 1 001Dusan LicinaTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 695 72 14HBL 2 4CDimitrios LignosFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 24 27GC B3 485Christian LudwigAdjunct Professor[email protected]0041563102696GR A2 424Gabriele ManoliTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 34 50BP 3138Alcherio MartinoliFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 68 91GR A2 454Anders MeibomFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 80 14GR C2 514Jean-François MolinariFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 24 11GC A2 474Athanasios NenesFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 80 31GR C2 544Alain NussbaumerAdjunct Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 24 26GC B3 495Stefana ParaschoTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 05 73GC G1 567Paolo PeronaAcademic Director[email protected]+41 21 693 57 10GC A3 515Fernando Porté-AgelFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 27 26GR B2 400David Michael Volpe RuggieroTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 10 87GC H2 611Kristin SchirmerAdjunct Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 08 61GR A1 464Julia SchmaleTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 695 82 69ALP 2 302Karen ScrivenerFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 58 43MXG 232Jan SkaloudSenior Scientist[email protected]+41 21 693 27 53GC C2 397Andrew SontaTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 27 52HBL 1 3BSatoshi TakahamaSenior Scientist[email protected]+41 21 693 57 77GR C1 507Andrea TestinoSenior Scientist[email protected]MXF 110Philippe ThalmannAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 73 21BP 2137Devis TuiaAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 00 11ALP 2 014Anastasios VassilopoulosHead[email protected]+41 21 693 63 93BP 2122Marie ViolayAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 23 22GC D1 401Yves WeinandFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 23 90GC H2 711Kenan ZhangTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 17 28GC D2 401