I have an open position. How do I select a Ph.D candidate?
- First, you should consult the list of candidates already admitted by the program. You find admissible candidates in your IS-Academia portal.
- If you have a candidate in mind, who you believe is better than those already accepted, she/he must apply to the program, and will be evaluated by the committee at the next deadline. Keep in mind that the committee may reject the application if it does not match the standards.
I have a good candidate, and a research project that must start immediately. I cannot wait until the next deadline of the doctoral program. What should I do?
Exceptionally, the committee may review applications between official deadlines. Such applications must be submitted on-line using the regular procedure. Also, the potential thesis director must have performed a thorough evaluation of the student, must have a compelling reason for the fast evaluation, and must explicitly request a fast evaluation by writing to the director of the doctoral program.
I have identified a potentially good candidate, but I would like to interview her/him. Who covers the costs of this interview?
- The EDCE doctoral program may provide support to interview candidates who have been deemed admissible to EDCE. To request this support, please submit a budget to the doctoral program using the form « Budget Interview EDCE» The program can provide up to CHF 500 per candidate. A maximum amount of CHF 200.- is granted for accommodation and meals, upon presentation of receipt. The support can be requested from PATTs, Adjunt professors and MERs .