Every week

These activities take place all year round during the semesters, and sometimes beyond. Common meal, friendship, meditation, creativity, prayer. You are welcome!

The list can be found in the drop-down menu on the left and above

Monday 12am-1pm“Discovery” mealPOL 249, UNIL
Tuesday 12am-12:45amTaizé prayerPOL 249, UNIL
Tuesday 12:15am-12:45amTuesday massLa Géode, CM1.545, EPFL
Wednesday 12:15am-12:45amGuided meditationLa Géode, CM1.545, EPFL
Wednesday 6:15pm-7:45pmGospel choirAuditoire A, Amphipôle, UNIL
Thursday 12:15am-12:45amGuided meditationPOL 249, UNIL
Thursday 12:15am-12:45amTaizé prayerLa Géode, CM1.545, EPFL