EDNE Open positions

Open Positions will begin to be posted about 6 weeks before each deadline.

Candidates should keep in mind to indicate “hiring labs” when filling in the 3-5 labs in which they are interested in the on-line application.

The PhD program will communicate to you by mid-May if your application is selected or not for an invitation to the Hiring Days – June 2025.  We would like to encourage you to apply to the EPFL “Neuroscience” PhD program!

Mathis A. Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience & AI has openings for students to reverse-engineer the circuits of sensorimotor control, advance skill learning as well as develop state of the art behavioral analysis tools (pose estimation, action segmentation, ReID)

Mathis M. Laboratory of Adaptive Intelligence is recruiting both computational and experimental systems neuroscientists to work with us to understand adaptive goal-directed behaviors across distributed neural circuits. The lab has the ability to record from thousands of neurons with large-scale 2P imaging and next-generation Neuropixels probes, which can be combined with our advanced machine learning approaches during VR tasks in mice. Please check out the lab’s website and current papers to get a flavor of our work.

Petersen Laboratory of  of Sensory Processing encourages highly motivated students with a strong background in neuroscience, electrophysiology, imaging, data analysis or computational modelling to apply for PhD positions in the fields of reward-based learning and context-dependent sensory processing in mice.

Ramdya Laboratory of Neuroengineering reverse-engineers cognitive and motor behaviors in the fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to better understand the mind and to design more intelligent robots. Flies are an ideal model: they generate complex behaviors, their nervous systems are small, and they are genetically malleable. Our lab develops and leverages advanced microscopy, machine learning, genetics, and computational modeling approaches to address systems-level questions. We are always looking for talented researchers to join our team. Join us! There is much to discover!

Schrimpf Laboratory of Neuro AI  is looking for a PhD student for research at the intersection of neuroscience, cognitive science, and machine learning.

More positions may be still posted!  Please check this list regularly and contact the EDNE administrator if you have already finalized your application and would like to add on another lab interest.

The PhD program will communicate to you by mid-December if your application is selected or not for an invitation to the Hiring Days – January 2025.  We would like to encourage you to apply to the EPFL “Neuroscience” PhD program!

Herzog Laboratory of Human Psychophysics has openings for students with an interest in human vision or schizophrenia research with a psychophysics, imaging (fMRI, EEG, TMS) or modelling background. Please do not pre-contact the lab.

Petersen Laboratory of Sensory Processing encourages highly motivated students with a strong background in neuroscience, electrophysiology, imaging, data analysis or computational modelling to apply for PhD positions in the fields of reward-based learning and context-dependent sensory processing in mice.

Ramdya Laboratory of Neuroengineering reverse-engineers cognitive and motor behaviors in the fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to better understand the mind and to design more intelligent robots. Flies are an ideal model: they generate complex behaviors, their nervous systems are small, and they are genetically malleable. Our lab develops and leverages advanced microscopy, machine learning, genetics, and computational modeling approaches to address systems-level questions. We are always looking for talented researchers to join our team. Join us! There is much to discover!

Schrimpf Laboratory of NeuroAI  builds computational models of human vision and language, guided by experimental neural and behavioral data. We encourage students with a strong background in computational modeling and/or brain and behavioral data analysis to apply. Several potential projects are possible, all in the space of human-aligned models. No need to pre-contact the lab.

More positions may be still posted!  Please check this list regularly and contact the EDNE administrator if you have already finalized your application and would like to add on another lab interest.