Rare books and PLUME

PLUME will soon return with a new platform enabling you to browse through our digitized books dating from the 15th to the 19th century. In the meantime, the contents of PLUME can be consulted on the Internet Archive platform.
Discover PLUME, the EPFL digital library of old documents illustrating the fields of history and philosophy of science. Thousands of images of 15th, 16th and 17th century works can be viewed and downloaded freely. Virtual exhibitions are made available on the platform as well.
The collection of valuable books, with more than 560 titles (around 1,000 volumes), illustrates the fields of history and of philosopy of science, and especially scientific works of Swiss authors. This collection can be viewed under supervised conditions (check terms and conditions). In order to view a publication, please contact [email protected] to make an appointment.
The 20th century collection comprises monographs and periodicals in various fields such as architecture, mathematics, chemistry or astronomy. Old patents are also to be found there. This collection can be viewed on-site. Documents may not be borrowed. In order to consult a document, please refer to the Library desk.
The collection of old maps brings together the Dufour and Siegfried topographic maps, as well as a varied selection of maps, mainly Swiss. Maps and Geodata webpage.