Teaching collection and scripts

Teaching collection
The teaching collection comprises all the publications in relation to the courses held at EPFL (Bachelor and Master’s level) and for the most part recommended by the teachers as back-up to their courses. Several copies of them are available in the Library and they are indicated in the IS-Academia course index cards. Feel free to contact us for any missing references. Some titles of the teaching collection are also available in the form of eBooks. Indicated by a QR code on the cover of the books on the shelves, the eBooks are assessible from any computer connected to the EPFL network (on the campus site or by way of the VPN), following the links indicated in BEAST catalog. Without necessarily being part of the teaching collection, some very good eTextbooks (electronic version of textbooks) are accessible in the thematic clusters or the publishers’ platforms below.
Schaum’s course outlines 2009-2019 and Student Study Aids 2013-2016 represent nearly 300 introductory titles or textbook in several scientific disciplines with unlimited access.
McGrawHill’s Language Collection French includes almost 30 titles for learning and improving French.
This platform provides access to nearly 80 ebooks (regular new acquisitions) from various publishers in different scientific fields. The creation of a personal account is mandatory to access the full download, PDFs generally have a time-limited consultation and printing and copying possibilities are limited.
This multi-publisher platform provides access to more than 800 acquired titles (regular new acquisitions), including several titles from the Presses Polytechniques Universitaires Romandes, and to more than 35000 titles to discover in various fields. The creation of a personal account is mandatory to access the full download, PDFs generally have a time-limited consultation and printing and copying possibilities are limited.
Science and mathematics and Medicine and health collections from the Very Short Introductions (Oxford University Press) offer unlimited access to over 200 titles.
The EPFL scripts, back-up to courses designed by teachers, are available in the Library. Two copies of the current edition are held in the Enseignement (Teaching) area behind the reception desk (call no. (072) and the UDC index of the discipline). The complete collection of previous editions is held in the basement area B2: copies can be borrowed.
As of June 2024, the Boutique EPFL no longer sells scripts, but it is possible to order them by following the instructions on this page.