
List of databases subscribed by EPFL Library.
Databases are categorized by subject area:
Content type : Full-text publications taken from more than 400 publications (peer-reviewed journals, magazines)
Producer : ProQuest
Tutorial : ProQuest Libguides
Content type : A full-text archive of magazines comprising key research material in the fields of art and architecture, dating from 1895 to 2005. Subjects covered include fine art, decorative arts, architecture, interior design, industrial design and photography.
Producer : ProQuest
Content type : Archive of the journal AS Architecture Suisse since its launch in 1972, including more than 8’000 pages of projects, profiles of architects or artists and other thematic articles related to Swiss construction, with a view to Europe and the world.
Producer : AS Architecture Suisse
Access : free access for the years 1972-1991; restricted access to ENAC faculty members for the years 1992 onwards.
Content type : literature references taken from more than 700 publications (journals, professional association publications) with full-text access for some publications.
Producer : ProQuest
Tutorial : ProQuest Libguides
Content type : Thematic articles, almost 850 case studies, 5000 architectural drawings, 2000 building photographs
Producer : De Gruyter
Content type : More than 3000 architectural projects carried out over the last 30 years and published in the magazine of the same name. Photographs, descriptive texts on the buildings, their plans and a selection of technical drawings are presented for each project
Producer : DETAIL
Content type : Detailed panorama of the world’s main authors, works, experiences and problematics related to the field of architecture. Original videos, such as interviews, buildings and installations, all of this enriched with a selection of complementary material -documents and audiovisuals- about the main authors and figures of contemporary architecture
Producer : Audiovisual archive for institutions
Content type : Articles exploring new ways to show and experiment with digital media architecture
Producer : Transfer
- SciFinder and SciFinder-n
Content type : SciFinder provides comprehensive information on compounds and reactions based on the Chemical Abstracts databases (CAS) compiling literature references (CAplus), reactions descriptions (CASREACT), regulated chemicals (CHEMLIST), chemicals suppliers (CHEMCATS), chemical industry notes (CIN), chemical substances (CAS REGISTRY), Markush structures (MARPAT). SciFindern is the latest interface of SciFinder and will replace it completely in February 2022. SciFindern offers new functions and improvements compared to previous interfaces: more intuitive user interface, improved text search processing, parallel use in multiple browser tabs, analysis and filtering of large numbers of hits, tool for synthesis planning, similarity search in reactions, PatentPak and display of Markush structures.
EPFL Library enriches SciFindern with ChemZentextending the access of Chemisches Zentralblatt back to 1830.
Note : SciFinder and SciFindern are accessible at EPFL Lausanne via the browser-based interface SciFinder Web (external link) / SciFindern (external link). The same login information can be used for both databases. Existing users of SciFinder Web can migrate their saved answers and alerts (keep me posted) to SciFindern. A tutorial and information are available.
Producer : Chemical Abstract Service
Access conditions : Before connecting for the first time, register with an EPFL email address.
Tutorial : SciFinder Training Materials
- Reaxys :
Content type : Almost 16’000 journals, experimental facts, chemical formulas, propriétés physicochemical properties and experimental methods
Producer : Elsevier
Tutorial : FAQ
Content type : Financial information (income statements, balance sheet, movements of funds) and statistics about companies
Producer : Wharton Research Data Services
Access conditions : Before connecting for the first time, register with an EPFL email address.
Tutorial : WRDS E-Learning
Content type : Stock market information for NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ securities
Producer : Wharton Research Data Services
Access conditions : Before connecting for the first time, register with an EPFL email address.
Tutorial : WRDS E-Learning
Econlit :
Content type : Literature references and full-text publications
Producer : Ebsco
Tutorial : EBSCOhost Training & Promotion
Content type : Results of research by the National Bureau of Economic Research made available to other economists to encourage discussion and suggestions for revision before publication
Producer : National Bureau of Economic Research
Content type : Literature references covering the fields of bibliometrics, online information retrival and information management
Producer : Ebsco
Tutorial : EBSCOhost Training & Promotion
Ulrich’s :
Content type : Periodicals literature references directory
Producer : Serial Solutions
Tutorial : Video tutorial
Content type : Factual data directory (phase diagrams, crystal structures cristallines, corrosion data, thermophysical data, polymer thermodynamic data), full-text reference documents, literature references
Producer : SpringerNature
Tutorial : Tutorials and training sessions
Content type : Full-text publications organised in thematic collections
Producer : ProQuest
Tutorial : ProQuest Libguides
Content type : More than 10’000 full-text peer-reviewed education-oriented reference fact sheets and articles in French, as well as additional functionalities like a news magazine, online seminars and a multilingual technical dictionary
Producer : Editions TI
Tutorial : Video tutorials
Content type : Abstracts, literature references and reviews. Several hundreds of thousands of entries are added every year
Producer : American Mathematical Society
Tutorials : What is MathSciNet?, Basic Search, Using Field Codes, Using Filters, Citing.
Content type : More than 3 millions literature references, Plus de 3 millions de références bibliographiques taken from journals and books, accompanied by abstracts or reviews
Producer : Springer
Tutorial : FAQ
InCites (Journal & Highly Cited Data (JHCD) et Benchmarking & Analytics (B&A)) :
Content type : Scientific research analysis and benchmarking tools compiling performance indicators (articles published in scientific journals by institution and by field, citations of these articles).
Access conditions : Before connecting for the first time, register with an EPFL email address (or use your access codes of the Web of Science).
The access codes are the same as those used to open a user account on the Web of Science. It is necessary to create a new account if you do not have one, it will then be useful to navigate between the WoS and InCites.
Producer : Clarivate Analytics
Tutorial : Video tutorials
BrowZine :
Contenu : Scientific journals aggregator
Éditeur : Third Iron
Tutoriel : FAQ section
Content type : Literature references platform containing the following by-products : Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Citation Connection and Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Producer : Clarivate Analytics
Tutorial : Video tutorial
Content type : American Psychological Association (APA) full-text publications
Producer : ProQuest
Tutorial : ProQuest Libguides
Scopus :
Content type : Abstracts et literature references covering the peer-reviewed literature. Contains strategic intelligence, analysis data visualization tools
Producer : Elsevier
Tutorial : Video tutorials