Find your industrial Partner

Our team connects industry and researchers to develop tailor-made collaborations and supports you throughout your career with EPFL.

A dedicated team that accompanies you throughout your journey with the industry

The EPFL Vice Presidency for Innovation is responsible for supporting and guiding researchers in their desire to collaborate with industry, and we would be delighted to help you address the latest challenges in the industry, establish links with key players, target company intentions and manage your partnerships. We accompany you throughout your tailor-made trip with companies.

Your benefits 

Maximize the impact of your research
We can help you connect with relevant industrial partners to learn about the latest challenges they face and maximize the impact of your research.
Get the most out of your industrial meetings
We take the lead in prospecting new industrial partners, introducing them to the EPFL ecosystem and relevant competences, guiding them through the possible collaboration agreements to identify the most suitable ones. Additionally we provide support in meeting your industrial prospects, clarify their interests and priorities so that you can engage only when it is relevant for you.
Ensure long term industrial relationships
Our team is available to help you manage your partnerships so you can focus on the more strategic interactions.

Resources for researchers

Disclose & protect your IP

disclose your inventions to the Technology Transfer Office

Templates for collaborations

Understand the different ways to set-up collaborations between EPFL and industry.


Do you want to know more about collaboration opportunities? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Vice Presidency for Innovation and Impact
EPFL Innovation Park
Building J
1015 Lausanne

[email protected]


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